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July 4, 2024

Jessica Pegula

Wimbledon, London, UK

Press Conference

W. XINYU/J. Pegula

6-4, 6-7, 6-1

Q. Jess, how are you feeling out on the grass today?

JESSICA PEGULA: Not the greatest day. I'm glad we won doubles, but obviously it was a tough singles loss.

The conditions were particularly, in singles and doubles, very, very tough. It was super windy, which, yeah, so I didn't feel great today.

Q. Looking back over the grass court events that you've played this season, how would you sort of assess your level over that and kind of how you've tracked?

JESSICA PEGULA: I mean, I would love to say it was good because I won a tournament, but obviously losing second round here isn't ideal. I definitely felt like I was playing better on the grass than I have in the past, but for some reason it didn't really seem to click.

So, yeah, I'm not sure. It's a little weird. It's tricky to say. I'm glad I'm able to say that I had a title, my first grass court title. Obviously the goal was here, and it didn't really pan out, so that's always disappointing.

Q. How do you feel that grass kind of compares to the other surfaces in terms of your comfort levels, I guess?

JESSICA PEGULA: It's not always been the most comfortable to me. I just think there can be tricky bounces. Like the condition today, the court was a little chewed up. It was faster. There can be a lot of variables.

Again, it's not like it's a true bounce, so I think that can be tough. Or if someone is serving well or a lot of let cords, you know, little stuff like that. I think those things are always a little frustrating.

I still do like it. I definitely don't have a bad relationship with it. I think it just can be very tricky depending on the day.

Q. Then looking forward, what after? You obviously still have your doubles. Are you playing mixed as well?

JESSICA PEGULA: I'm not playing mixed, no.

Q. After Wimbledon, what next?

JESSICA PEGULA: After Wimbledon I'm going to go home and then I'll get ready for the Olympics, which is going to be on clay, so it will be a nice little switch.

I'll just get ready for that and hopefully get some good prep and have a great week. I'm really looking forward to the experience, and I think it will be a lot of fun.

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