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July 4, 2024

Cameron Norrie

Wimbledon, London, UK

Press Conference

C. NORRIE/J. Draper

7-6, 6-4, 7-6

THE MODERATOR: Cam, great win today. You must be feeling pretty good.

CAMERON NORRIE: Yeah, I was really happy with my level. Not easy playing Jack. He's a good friend of mine. Nice to get through. Especially it was a tough three sets.

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. You looked very fired up out there today. Did you feel a sense that obviously what's happened the last two weeks, you're not top Brit anymore, do you want to let everyone know you haven't disappeared?

CAMERON NORRIE: Not really. I was just really enjoying my tennis, the way I was moving, hitting the ball. I was winning a lot of tough rallies, especially in the tiebreak. It was nice to win a tiebreak (smiling), especially the first set. It was a big one. I definitely carried the momentum. I thought the atmosphere was great.

I was more just happy with the level I was playing. I was feeling it. I was feeling good. I was really enjoying the tennis, enjoying moving the way I was, hitting the ball the way I was. That's why I was fired up more than anything.

Q. Is reclaiming the British No. 1 much of a motivation for you or just an added bonus?

CAMERON NORRIE: To be honest, not really at all. I think, yeah, Jack has been doing so well especially over the start of the grass season. He's had some amazing wins, won a title. He beat Alcaraz. He's playing some really top tennis.

For me to get a win against a top player like Jack means a lot, especially in straight sets.

But for the British No. 1, not really. I think maybe it was a bit easier for me going into this match being the underdog.

Yeah, I definitely felt very relaxed today going into the match. I like that court a lot. I played my tennis and I gave him nothing really. I hit my backhand especially really well. I was just enjoying being out there and enjoying moving the ball around and playing and making it physical.

A lot of fun to play against Jack today. I was happy with my level.

Q. The biggest win you've had so far was against Casper Ruud in Australian Open. Would you say your level is now where it was then?

CAMERON NORRIE: Yeah, I think that day was a high-level match. No, honestly, my level's been really good. I've been losing a lot of close matches recently, so nice to win one of those, especially in a Grand Slam.

Yeah, I'm building. I'm building. It doesn't get any easier. I'm playing Zverev in the next one. Same as like Australia after I beat Casper. I'm going to have to keep raising my level. I'm looking forward to the match. It's against another top player. He looked very comfortable. I was watching his match just now. It gets tougher.

I'll definitely enjoy the win today and get ready for that one.

Q. Jack said you basically knew him too well, you could predict everything. Is that how you saw it, as well?

CAMERON NORRIE: Yeah, I think we both know each other's games very well. We practice with each other a lot. We practiced with each other actually on Court 1 just before the tournament.

Yeah, I played well today. I managed my serve very well. I played very good tiebreaks. I stayed calm. I felt really good. So it was a really good match for me. I came up with some really good passing shots when I needed to. Was moving the ball around really well a lot of the match, made it physical.

I think it was a really, really, really high-level match from my point of view. Yeah, I was coming up with some good shots when I needed to.

Q. In commentary, Nick Kyrgios said, Is Norrie winning Wimbledon? He wasn't entirely joking. He was serious. Do you feel like, yeah, why not?

CAMERON NORRIE: There's a long way to go. I love that from Nick (smiling). Yeah, he has a good eye for tennis. Hopefully he saw that I was playing well today.

But yeah, I'm going to regroup and get ready for the next match. It's a tough match. But like I said, I was happy with the way I was playing. Nick was happy with the way I was playing. Means a lot from him.

Q. We watched Andy on Centre a moment ago. Could you share any memories or words about him.

CAMERON NORRIE: Honestly, I think he did a really good job out there just now. The story with Kim, I really liked that one.

But yeah, so many memories of watching him. Yeah, that last game of Wimbledon when he was trying to serve it out there, kept going back to deuce. Then I think the backhand lob from Davis Cup, winning Davis Cup. I've seen that lob 50 times.

But I think more just, other than his tennis, the person he is, the way he approaches his career and the way he treats everyone. It's amazing. He always treated me and my team with a lot of respect.

I think he deserves that, as well, the same respect he gives everyone. Yeah, amazing career. I mean, ridiculous.

Q. On the challenge Zverev is going to pose to you.

CAMERON NORRIE: I mean, I think he's maybe having one of his best years of his career so far. Yeah, he's in form. He's serving well. He likes the grass. Yeah, it's a completely different matchup to the first few rounds that I've had, playing two lefties.

But I got tomorrow to get ready for it. Yeah, I'm looking forward to the match. All the skills that I've been practicing I can use in this match especially. I played him in Australia. I know what to expect. I played him a few times. I've never beaten him before, so I think it's a really tough, tough draw for me.

But I'm excited to be through and excited to play against another top player and test myself in five sets.

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