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July 4, 2024

Stefanos Tsitsipas

Wimbledon, London, UK

Press Conference

E. RUUSUVUORI/S. Tsitsipas

7-6, 7-6, 3-6, 6-3

THE MODERATOR: Stefanos, how were you feeling out on the grass court today?

STEFANOS TSITSIPAS: It was a good day. I was able to hold my serve relatively well and get myself to the tiebreak. I feel like it was an interesting match because there were a lot of rallies and a lot of interesting play during the match that I was not able to keep up with.

He was much stronger from the baseline in those moments. I was never able to take charge of the momentum build-up, and there wasn't a massive build-up in terms of starting to feel my game and getting close to break points or creating some sort of damage on my return games.

I didn't get away far. It was difficult. I mean, I think it could have been a bit different if I won the second set tiebreaker. But I did try my best, and it didn't work out.

So I'm just proud of myself the way I fought and the way I never gave up. I will continue towards the path of getting better.

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. Obviously, match of very fine margins. The first two sets of tiebreaks could have gone either way. Unfortunately, not today. Do you find any positives from that going forward, and especially looking forward to the Olympics? Do you see lessons to learn from this match or maybe over the next few days where you reflect on these?

STEFANOS TSITSIPAS: For sure. These matches are important, and I need to allow myself to grow from those matches. I give credit to him because he was very resilient and managed his emotions really well.

I, on the other hand, was a bit more fragile than he was. I need to go through this tough pressure points and manage myself a little bit better. I hope I can turn this around and become an even stronger, more resilient player when moments like this occur.

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