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July 5, 2024

Frances Tiafoe

Wimbledon, London, UK

Press Conference

C. ALCARAZ/F. Tiafoe

5-7, 6-2, 4-6, 7-6, 6-2

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. It was a great exchange at the net at the end of the match. Are you able to share what was said between each other?

FRANCES TIAFOE: Just ultimate respect. Him just saying, It's good to see you play like that. Me just saying, I can't stand you (smiling).

No, but I mean, I told him to go for another great run, and all the best going forward. He was repeating saying that, You are one of the best players in the world. That's kind of what he said. That's all that was.

But, yeah, I mean, I got a lot of respect for Carlos.

Q. It was a tough fourth set tiebreaker. When he was up I think it was 6-0, did you tweak your knee? You slipped a little bit, and he came around the net. What happened?

FRANCES TIAFOE: Yeah, I slipped. He wrong-footed me, and I slipped. Obviously, I didn't like how I went down. It didn't feel good. It felt more my adductor, which bothers my MCL. But I was totally fine. Had nothing to do with anything that transpired after that.

Q. After that tight fourth set, what was your kind of mindset going into that tiebreak?

FRANCES TIAFOE: Going into the breaker? That I'm going to win. I mean, I thought I kind of had momentum. I felt like I was getting through my service games better than he was. I had a couple of Love-30s. He played a really good breaker.

I was a little tentative in the breaker. I wish I was swinging out on my shots a little more from the ground on the breaker. I thought I let him dictate a little too much.

Yeah, I mean, that's kind of all it was.

Q. Coming into this match and earlier in the week this was the match you wanted, this was the setting you wanted. How did it sort of live up to your expectations? Obviously the result wasn't what you wanted, but in terms of the experience of your first time on Centre Court and playing arguably the best player in the world, one of two or three of them, what affect does that have on you moving forward?

FRANCES TIAFOE: It was huge. It was huge for me to be in that environment again and play a match of such high quality. Me coming after one of the best players in the world and putting my game on display at the highest level, a court I've never played on. So that definitely sparked a huge light under me.

I mean, I had so much fun playing out there. I felt so comfortable. I really thought the match was there for me to take. I just take a lot of confidence from that. It's something I needed.

I haven't been happy playing. It's been really tough, so to be able to do that and compete like that at the highest level, that's going to help me a lot for the summer swing and obviously going to the Open where I want to perform my best as well.

Q. Following up on that, how can this tournament be pivotal for you, given what's happened leading up to it for you?

FRANCES TIAFOE: Yeah, I think I can take nothing but positives. Going in, I wasn't even sure of playing, and then I do what I did.

So a lot of firsts. First time playing on Centre Court. First time coming back two sets to love. So I have those couple things in my bag. Just understanding what competing does and just kind of get out of your own way and just battling and putting my whole game on display.

I mean, just biggest thing I can take away is just enjoying the game and what that does for me. When I'm in that state, I play so much better, I play so much freer. That's the biggest thing I can take.

Hopefully I do that in the summer and maximize all the weeks I have going into the Open.

Q. Is this one that you think will go away easily for you, or are you maybe the type that you'll think about it, there will be a particular point where you'll say, I wish I had done this or I wish that had gone differently?

FRANCES TIAFOE: Yeah, of course. I'll remember this one for a while. I still think about when I lost to him in the Open. Twice you're a set away, you never know what can happen after. Of course, I'm going to think about that. Especially if I want to win one of these things, I got to beat him. I mean, of course, I'm going to think about it.

But I think this one hurts a little more than the Open. I feel like the Open I was kind of hanging on for dear life. I thought this one was more one I thought was kind of on my racquet at times.

But in this situation of everything that happened before, leading in, I think this one I can honestly take confidence from and can't hang my head too low.

Q. I want to talk about your tactics for this match. Were there things you learned from the US Open match that helped bring into today's match? What kind of plan did you bring in?

FRANCES TIAFOE: I'm not going to talk about my tactics. You guys were watching, so you can see what happened. I'm not going to say what I like to do against him.

But, ultimately, the vague part of it is just I think who was able to control middle court, who was able to be aggressive, will win most of the time. He took the racquet out of my hand in the breaker, and in the fifth he was more aggressive.

Yeah, I mean, as far as full-on tactics, yeah, you just got to watch the match.

Q. How soon are you flying home? You must be excited to get there. You've been talking about how homesick you are.

FRANCES TIAFOE: Oh, yeah, I'm really excited to get home. A couple of days. A couple of days. Yeah, I have a house in Florida I haven't seen in three months, so I'm pretty excited to see that. Just being in the States in general.

Obviously would rather be here and continue the run, but I'm really excited to get back and try and build on this and be in the States, try to get used to that heat and stuff.

But, yeah, I'm really excited to get home and get things going over there.

Q. We were talking to you earlier about the coaching situation. Is that something you want to have in place before the Open, or you're not really worried, it will happen when it happens?

FRANCES TIAFOE: It will happen when it happens. It's something I take very serious, and figuring that out at the moment.

Q. You mentioned the idea of having some Love-30s. How big a deal did it feel like in the moment at 4-All, Love-30 in the fourth?

FRANCES TIAFOE: I mean, it's a huge point, 4-All, Love-30. Second serve, the way I was serving up to that point, I think it was a huge point. He hit a big second serve, which I didn't expect. I had a slice return and kind of low, and he goes for the inside-out and hits the back of the line. Then he plays three good points after that.

It's why he's been able to do what he's been able to do. He literally hit that forehand on the back of the line. A little more out, Love-40, I probably win the match.

You have to tip your hat to him even hitting that shot. Could I have hit the forehand? Yeah, but those are just finer details.

And I had another Love-30 at 2-All or 1-All. That fourth set was definitely there, but you have to give credit where credit is due. He also came up with some good shots.

Q. Was this week kind of a reminder that you do really enjoy this sport and that you can enjoy this sport, or did you have other days like this over the last couple of months when you were struggling?

FRANCES TIAFOE: Oh, no, not at all. This one was great. Ultimately great. Again, I obviously want to go deeper. This and the US Open are my two favorite slams, and really want to always do well.

With everything going in and how I was playing and how I was feeling, I leave here feeling pretty good about my game, about myself.

But, yeah, hasn't been many high moments lately for sure.

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