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July 5, 2024

Maria Sakkari

Wimbledon, London, UK

Press Conference

E. RADUCANU/M. Sakkari

6-2, 6-3

THE MODERATOR: Tough one today. How did you feel your level was?

MARIA SAKKARI: Not great, obviously. Too many unforced errors. I think that my level hasn't been good enough because of a lot of things haven't been working good enough the last six months with all those changes.

Hopefully now I can bounce back sometime soon.

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. Unlucky today. I wonder how do you reflect on the match? I know you've just come off court, but what do you think was kind of the difference for you today?

MARIA SAKKARI: Well, obviously my level wasn't good enough, and it hasn't been good enough to win these kind of matches the last few months, I would say.

As I said earlier, I need to just restart, work hard again because the last few months have been not very structured with all those changes. Yeah, hopefully I know there is a lot of people criticizing me about my level, but I couldn't care less of what people think. I'm just sure that things are going to turn around and things are going to be good again.

Q. Obviously you and Emma played each other at US Open a few years ago. Did you go into the match -- did you reflect on that match at all or watch it? I just wonder if you thought about it at all?

MARIA SAKKARI: No, I didn't really. It's been three years since we played. A lot of things have changed. She played good. Yeah, that was it. It was just not a good performance from me.

I think I started the match a little bit nervous, and it would be different if I could have won those two first games. So that would be huge for me.

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