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July 6, 2024

Cameron Norrie

Wimbledon, London, UK

Press Conference

A. ZVEREV/C. Norrie

6-4, 6-4, 7-6

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. Your thoughts on the match, the tiebreak...

CAMERON NORRIE: It was a really high, high level from both of us. He gave me absolutely nothing. Honestly, I thought I played really well, but I couldn't really get into his service games. Yeah, maybe I could have returned a bit deeper.

To be honest, it was really impressive. He's looking really good. Yeah, that tiebreak, both of us we didn't miss really for how many points, I don't know.

But yeah, it was a tough match. Would have loved to have seen how the match would have gone if I'd won that tiebreak obviously.

But happy with the level. I loved it out there. Enjoyed it. So fun to get to play on Centre Court again against a top player, test myself.

Honestly, credit to him. He's playing unreal.

Q. When Alex fell over, was there a part of you thinking he may not continue, I can exploit this weakness?

CAMERON NORRIE: Yeah, I didn't really see it because I was watching the ball, to be honest. Yeah, I asked him if he was okay. He said, Yeah, I think I'm okay.

Then yeah, I just don't think it really affected him too much. He looked like he was moving really well. He continued to serve better and better as the match went on.

Yeah, I mean, it would have been a shame if that was the way the match ended. But no, he was fine. He got up and he almost broke me that next game, so...

I think he'll be okay.

Q. Can you put into words what it's like when you're facing someone who is serving quite that brilliantly? Is it overwhelming?

CAMERON NORRIE: It was not easy. I battled through a tough hold. Switch ends. I'm back serving again within the next minute. I had to stay positive, really not try to let that bring my energy down.

When he's serving like that, nothing you can do. Honestly, not just the serving. I think the way he dealt with his first ball, especially on his forehand side, he was getting such good width, hitting forehand line and forehand angle, very, very well. Very impressive from Sascha in that department.

Yeah, I tried my best not to let it frustrate me. I think I did a really good job with that. Managed to hold my serve as much as I did, get to a tiebreak, and played probably my best level in the tiebreak. Still didn't get the job done.

Credit to him. For me, he's looking like one of the big favorites, for sure.

Q. The underarm serve, is that something you thought about prematch or was it just inspired?

CAMERON NORRIE: Yeah, he was starting to return really well on that deuce side. I thought it was a good moment to use it. He was standing quite far back. I disguised it quite well. I executed it well. Nice to get a free point for once on my serve on that point.

I think the crowd enjoyed it. Honestly, it was a good play. He didn't even run for it.

Q. You played some really good tennis here. Do you leave here in good spirits? What has this done for your confidence?

CAMERON NORRIE: Yeah, definitely I'll take it. The grass season ending like this. I felt like I played my best tennis towards the end. The match with Jack was a high, high level. High, high level today. Yeah, it's exactly what I needed, to get a couple matches before Wimbledon. I really like the courts here.

I'm really pumped for the rest of the season. I'm working so hard. I'm practicing really, really well. Improving all my skills. Hopefully I can put it all together.

Yeah, I think there's so much to look forward to the rest of the year, the Olympics, yeah, the States, the US Open. I'm excited. Still lots of tennis to be played.

For me, lots to improve on. I really feel good kind of, obviously not the result I wanted today, but the level I played, the level of concentration, the way I was hitting the ball, moving. I'm in really good shape. Body feels good.

Was a really positive Wimbledon for me. I obviously would have liked to have gone further. Yeah, take a lot of positives for it.

Q. On the Olympics, having to transition back to clay, you're going to be the underdog against Spanish players. What gives you the confidence that you can challenge for a medal?

CAMERON NORRIE: I think I was telling you guys I was playing so well on the clay, but not getting so many results there. I was moving really well. I think it's going to be quite difficult for the first time ever going from grass to clay.

But yeah, I go to Bastad in Sweden to play before then. So I have a couple matches hopefully there, and then get ready for my first Olympics.

To be honest, I think the most important thing is to get used to the movement and embrace the Olympics. I'm really excited for it. Again, nothing to lose. I can keep building from this Wimbledon.

Honestly, I'm happy to get back to the clay.

Q. Must be quite odd to go to Philippe Chatrier in the searing heat of August, not the French Open. How do you think it will feel going be back there?

CAMERON NORRIE: To be honest, I'm not sure. It's a good question.

Yeah, I think even watching some of the videos from Andy in Wimbledon when it was Olympics here, it looks strange. I'm not really sure what to expect there, how it's all going to work.

I'm really looking forward to hanging out with the other British athletes, just seeing how they prepare, just seeing the whole experience more than anything. Then obviously leading up to it, preparing as well as I can. Going out and playing for my country is what I love, so I'm excited.

Q. Do you take a day or two off or get straight on the clay?

CAMERON NORRIE: I'm not sure. Just finished now. I'll have to see my plans. But I believe there's another week until Bastad starts. I'll get back and start practicing on the clay. Obviously I think I'll take a few days, see my family for a couple days here, then head there.

So yeah...

Q. Did you get to meet any of the sporting stars in the Royal Box?

CAMERON NORRIE: I didn't see any of them. I was just walking back from stretching. I met Pep Guardiola. He said congrats on my match. I said, Congrats to you, you won everything (smiling). I saw him. I didn't actually get to see who was there today. They were presenting it, I was warming up.

Q. He was in the box.

CAMERON NORRIE: I just saw him after. That's cool that they do that on this day. Hopefully they enjoyed that tiebreak.

Q. Is it intimidating when you know there's an array of Olympic champions up there watching?

CAMERON NORRIE: I didn't even think about it once, to be honest. I think they know what it's like playing a sport at a high level. Hopefully I gave them something to cheer about today. Yeah, I'm not sure they could have returned any better than I did today. I hope they enjoyed.

Q. Any particular sports or sporting styles you'd like to see or meet at the Olympics?

CAMERON NORRIE: I haven't actually given it a thought yet. I just kind of want to see how it all works first. I don't really know what to expect. I think just to be part of the team. I haven't actually looked at the list of athletes from the Brits going, so I'm excited to see and who I recognize on the team when I get there, to be honest, see how it works with supporting some of the other sports and getting to hang out with them.

I don't really know what to expect, to be honest. It's my first one. But I'm excited.

Q. What sports do you like watching, in general?

CAMERON NORRIE: Cycling, Rugby Sevens, swimming, athletics. Honestly, I love all of it. I'm watching a lot. But I think probably my favorite is the athletics, if I had to choose.

Q. Go to the opening ceremony or skip that? The tennis starts Saturday.

CAMERON NORRIE: I don't know, honestly, anything about the schedule right now. I mean, I'd love to do it.

Q. It's on the River Seine.

CAMERON NORRIE: Yeah, that's what I heard they're planning to do. I would love to do it. Why not?

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