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July 6, 2024

Alexander Zverev

Wimbledon, London, UK

Press Conference

A. ZVEREV/C. Norrie

6-4, 6-4, 7-6

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. Have you ever served better than that, as consistently and more powerfully than that?

ALEXANDER ZVEREV: Yeah, I don't know. In my life, probably at some point. But, look, it's a shot that I worked on I think the most out of everything in my game because that was the shot that lost me the US Open final. That was the shot that maybe lost me a few other Grand Slams.

Obviously I want to make it better. I want to improve it. If it's working well, then I'm happy about that.

Q. You talked a little bit about your knee on court. What did you feel when you went down? How worried were you?

ALEXANDER ZVEREV: Yeah, I mean, how do you call it? My knee went too straight. I overstretched it. Is that how you call it?

I do have pain right now. I will check it. I will see what the MRI says. But I personally don't think that it can be anything too serious because I still played. Of course, I was limited. I feel like in some of the movements.

If you're breaking a ligament or breaking something else, the meniscus or something like that, I don't think you can continue playing even the way I did, so...

We'll see what it is. Hopefully I'll be fine in two days' time.

Q. In the tiebreak, it was back and forth continuously. How much work behind the scenes do you do mentally to ensure you're composed in those tiebreaks?

ALEXANDER ZVEREV: Yeah, I mean, I do also do mental work, for sure. I think the tiebreak, none of us really got tight I think. There were good points. At some point also long rallies. I think both of us saved set points and match points by playing aggressively, serving quite well.

I had my chances; he had his chances. But all in all, I think both players won the points they should have won. That's why it was such a long tiebreak.

Q. What does it mean to have Pep watching you? What did he say to you?

ALEXANDER ZVEREV: He's a great guy. I talked to him afterwards, as well. I have huge respect for him. Obviously he was an incredible player, also as a manager he's unbelievable.

As a person also he's so welcoming. It's really a pleasure to talk to him, just communicate. I was very happy to meet him today.

Q. Is that the first time you met him?


Q. You invited him into your box?

ALEXANDER ZVEREV: Yeah, but I'm not sure. He can come to the Royal Box anytime he wants. It's not about that (smiling).

Q. How would you describe the roll you're on right now, the momentum you have from the French, the way you're playing this season?

ALEXANDER ZVEREV: I mean, it's a positive season so far for me, of course. I'm, what, No. 2 in the race. Still chasing the big one, right? Still chasing the Grand Slam.

I was close in Australia. Maybe one point away from being in the final. Was one set away from winning the French Open. Of course, I'm working towards that. I'm working towards achieving that dream of mine.

Look, that's my mindset. That's where I want to go.

Q. You just described how close you've been. Do you think more about the positives of getting to that stage or the gap to getting one step further?

ALEXANDER ZVEREV: I think for me personally, especially after the ankle injury, I was never sure whether I was ever going to be back at that level. I was not sure whether I will be playing consistently again and giving myself the chance to be at those stages of Grand Slams, giving myself the chance to win.

So for me, I do take it in a positive way that I am back where I want to be. I'm playing quite positively, playing good tennis. I think if I continue doing the work, if I continue doing all the right things, which I believe I am doing at the moment, have been doing for the past few years now, I think the opportunities and my time will come.

Q. The next opponent, two possibilities obviously, if it's Taylor Fritz, how would you describe the challenge playing him and the similarities in your styles?

ALEXANDER ZVEREV: I think, to be honest, the only similarities are that we're both big servers. Apart from that, I do think we are quite different.

He's obviously also a very big hitter. Can hit the heck out of the ball, for sure. I do think that physically speaking, maybe I'm a bit of a better mover. Maybe I do grind more than him. Not always necessarily. Sometimes it is better to be more aggressive.

We've played each other a lot. We've played each other here twice, I think. It's always entertaining. It's always fun. I'm looking forward to the challenge.

What's the score in that match? Obviously they're not done, so... They're not even playing yet, so we're talking about one possibility. The other possibility I think is also a very tough opponent.

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