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July 6, 2024

Ons Jabeur

Wimbledon, London, UK

Press Conference


6-1, 7-6

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. Despite the result, do you take any positives away from how you fought back in the second set?

ONS JABEUR: Yeah, definitely. I feel like she really played a great match. I didn't see the other matches, but I felt like even speaking with my team, it was a solid one.

I take a lot of positives because even though I feel like I didn't play my best and I tried to come back in the second set, and I had my chance to come. That's tennis. I hope I can definitely learn from this one and be stronger in the second half of the season.

Q. Physically are you feeling fine with the knee? Will you be taking a few weeks or days off to regroup yourself ahead of the rest of the season?

ONS JABEUR: Yeah, it's part of kind of the season when I need to have another injection in my knee. I schedule that after Wimbledon. I need to take care of it. I think it's going to be a week or week and a half off because, yeah, medically I need to give it a little bit of time.

But yeah, I mean, it is what it is. Like I said last time, the knee, it's always going to bother me and I'm always going to play with it.

Yeah, a couple of months ago I couldn't play, now I'm moving much better. I'm really grateful for that.

Q. What was it like to be back on Centre Court? Were there memories of last year?

ONS JABEUR: I'm not going to lie to you. It was a bit of remembering last year. Especially not playing so good, not serving the way I wanted in the first set especially did bring a bit of sad memories.

But yeah, I would still love the Centre Court. Will still hope to come back and win on it again.

Q. You mentioned about an injection. Is that a painkilling thing?

ONS JABEUR: Is it what?

Q. The injection, is that a painkilling thing?

ONS JABEUR: No, it's just to keep my knee more prevention. Also a bit for the pain as well, to kind of take care of it. Everything is natural. It's PRP. I don't want to inject anything not natural. So yeah, just to keep the knee going.

Obviously the hard court season is coming. I need to really prevent the knee as much as I can. I've been doing a lot of exercises. Yeah, it was the plan that I need a second injection for the second half of the season.

Q. You say that's a regular thing. Will you do that again every few months?

ONS JABEUR: I just started doing it. The first time I did it was in February. I think every six months I need at least one injection.

Q. Were you experiencing pain during the match and limitations on mobility?

ONS JABEUR: No. Actually it's the same old pain that I've been playing with for the past few matches. It's been always like this for the last moments that I played with it. I wouldn't say I lost because of my knee today. Definitely I would not say that.

Yeah, no, I think I tried to play my tennis. It wasn't my day. Definitely she played really unbelievable. Yeah, just a normal day for me.

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