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July 6, 2024

Elina Svitolina

Wimbledon, London, UK

Press Conference


6-1, 7-6

Q. First of all, just tell me how you felt out there today. It was a big win.

ELINA SVITOLINA: Yeah, definitely was great performance. I'm really happy the way I was playing, the way I was moving around the court.

It was really good match for my side. I had to be focused from the first point to the last one, and I'm happy I could execute that.

Q. Can you allow yourself time to think of bigger and better things as the tournament goes on now, or are you very much in the moment and just one game at a time?

ELINA SVITOLINA: No, for me it's important to be focused and to be really breaking down everything to small pieces and just really take one match at a time, to focus on my health, to focus on the recovery that I have to do.

There have been some delays with the rain, so a little bit of change of schedule, but in the end I'm happy that I am feeling good on the court. My movement was really good, and I'm happy with that.

Q. The rain delays, how do they affect you? Do they have an impact, or are you able to just take them in your stride?

ELINA SVITOLINA: Well, of course, it's not easy. I think for my first match I was warming up six or seven times. It's, of course, not easy, but we are all in the same conditions. A lot of players are experiencing this.

And today I had amazing opportunity to play in the Centre Court, so I cannot complain about the schedule so much. I'm just happy to get through all these rounds before and just be in the fourth round again.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports

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