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July 6, 2024

Iga Swiatek

Wimbledon, London, UK

Press Conference


3-6, 6-1, 6-2

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. Your opponent just said she feels as though she won this match, she took this match. It wasn't about what you did. What are your thoughts about what happened out there today?

IGA SWIATEK: I think it's never only one person because we're literally playing tennis match. It's about what I'm playing as well I think. I totally let her come back to the game in the second set. I shouldn't have done that. I made some mistakes, as well.

But for sure, she used her chance.

Q. You never lost to her before. What tactically was she doing different? What was she able to emphasize this time?

IGA SWIATEK: Honestly, I mostly remember my mistakes, what I did wrong. It's hard for me to analyze from the other perspective now. I would need to kind of watch this match. But I was more focused on myself and how I can get my game better. For sure, I felt like my energy level went down little bit in the second set. I couldn't really get back up.

I know what I need to change, and I'll do that. But grass season is over, so it's not like I need to really think about this match in terms of analyzing for next week because basically it's going to be totally different on clay and hard court.

I'm not going to really focus on this match in terms of the tactics or technical stuff.

Q. You started really well, then a dip in the level. It's been a long stretch for you, the whole clay season. Do you think that was maybe one match too many?

IGA SWIATEK: I wouldn't say it was too many because obviously we need to be ready to compete at the highest level for many, many weeks.

For sure I didn't feel like... I don't know. My tank of really pushing myself to the limits became suddenly, like, empty. I was kind of surprised. But I know what I did wrong after Roland Garros. I didn't really rest properly. I'm not going to make this mistake again.

After such a tough clay court season, I really must have my recovery. Maybe that's also the reason. But I thought that I'm going to be able to kind of, I don't know, play at the same level. I feel like on grass I need little bit more of that energy to keep being patient and accept some mistakes.

Like mentally, I didn't really do that well on this tournament. I need to recover better after clay court season, both physically and mentally.

Q. How determined are you to win this title one day? Is it something that you put above the other Grand Slams?

IGA SWIATEK: I mean, if I would have another Wimbledon in two months, I would be really, really determined. For sure I'll focus really hard right now to work for it. It's going to be in a year, so I'm not sure what's going to happen in a year.

Obviously I am determined, like, on every tournament. Actually, this part of the season is not easy because it's the middle of the season, we're switching surfaces. For me going from this kind of tennis where I felt like I'm playing the best tennis in my life to another surface where I kind of struggle a little bit more, it's not easy.

All that stuff really combines to me not really having a good time in Wimbledon. Again, I feel like if I'm going to do a better job at recovering and if I will have more energy coming into the tournament, I can work through that and just, yeah, focus on the right stuff.

Q. You said you messed up your recovery. What do you think you could have done differently?

IGA SWIATEK: I mean, I literally came back to work - not tennis-wise, but off court stuff - and I shouldn't have done that. Maybe next year I'm going to take a vacation and literally just do nothing.

Q. From commercial things?

IGA SWIATEK: No. Off-court stuff, my stuff. We planned the year that way so I don't have to do a lot before Olympics.

Q. You haven't played a warm-up tournament before Wimbledon. You talked about wanting more recovery after Roland Garros. Do you think if you had played in a lead-in tournament for this, it might have helped getting comfortable on the grass? Would you consider playing a tournament next year?

IGA SWIATEK: I did it last year, so we always consider every option. But you never know. I could have got injured in the second match because I practiced straightaway after Roland Garros in that case.

You never know. I think my coaches are pretty good at planning. They chose the right option for this year. But we'll see what's going to happen next year.

Q. You've given us sort of your analysis of things. What about the emotional side? What are the emotions you're feeling now?

IGA SWIATEK: Well, not positive obviously. I lost in the third round. I felt like I underachieved a little bit. But it's tennis, so you have to move on. I'll have many more chances this year to show my game. I'll just focus on that.

Q. Do you see the road to the Olympics now, how are you going to prepare?

IGA SWIATEK: Honestly, the same way as before any important tournament. For sure I'm going to take a lesson and rest a bit more. I don't know, I feel like even though I didn't perform well at this tournament, because of how the whole season is looking, I deserve it. I should literally do it better 'cause I'm not going to be able to go through the whole season playing good tennis.

I'll focus on that and I'll get back to work on clay.

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