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July 6, 2024

Taylor Fritz

Wimbledon, London, UK

Press Conference

T. FRITZ/A. Tabilo

7-6, 6-3, 7-5

THE MODERATOR: How did it feel out there for you today?

TAYLOR FRITZ: It felt really good. The last couple of days, my last match, practice yesterday, even warming up this morning, it's been windy, rainy. Not easy to play. I was pretty amazed when we got out there, and it was no wind, conditions felt great. Yeah, I played a really good match.

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. There have been a ton of five-setters, more than ever through this stage of any Grand Slam tournament ever. First of all, how big a deal for you is it to not have had to deal with that and to have kind of maybe in the scheme of things conserved some energy heading into week two?

TAYLOR FRITZ: It's huge for me because I guess the injury that I was dealing with at French Open and the reason why I had to pull out of Stuttgart, it's something that can fire up if I'm playing extra, playing too much.

I feel like I can already almost feel it a little bit just having to play, like, all this back-to-back tennis. So, yeah, avoiding these long, I guess, grindy matches is huge for just the state of my body and being able to keep playing in the tournament.

Q. Does it also I guess from a mental standpoint make it easier just in general to get through without that pressure and stress and intensity that a fifth set can bring?

TAYLOR FRITZ: I wouldn't say so. I mean, the biggest thing is just the fact that if two of my matches, if I hadn't won them in straights, then I would have to play another day, which that's very annoying. It was a miracle I was able to finish my match the first day and then today. So that's huge.

I mean, if I play four sets, five sets, hypothetically speaking, if my body was 100% healthy and feeling good, then whatever. It's just extra court time I guess. It's not a big deal.

Q. When we spoke with Zverev, he said as far as he's concerned, there's really not much similarity in your games except maybe for the big serves. How do you assess the similarities and differences between your games?

TAYLOR FRITZ: I think our games are honestly somewhat similar, but I think the strengths are a bit... I mean, obviously we are both servers. He probably likes to play a little -- he likes a little bit more time. Obviously results on clay for him I think are better. He gets more time.

He generates pace on his backhand better. I think his backhand is more I would say it's a bigger weapon than mine. I like my backhand a lot, but I think it's more solid. He can get some RPMs on his backhand.

Both of us have naturally, like, spinny forehands. Both of us have kind of similar grips I would say on the forehand. But I probably flatten my forehand out a bit more, maybe use my forehand a bit more as a weapon than he does. He can get his forehand more spinny off the court than I can for sure. I can hit mine a bit harder through the court better.

Q. What's the key to the match, do you think?

TAYLOR FRITZ: The end of the day, we're playing on grass. It's just going to come down to serve and return. If I come out and play a bad serve game, then it's going to give him a lot of confidence on his serve that all he has to do is hold serve.

It's important that I'm serving well to just apply pressure on his serve games, maybe give myself some looks to break. It's going to be a match of very few chances, and whoever takes the chances, kind of comes up with something, plays better in those tight moments, it's probably going to make the difference.

Q. What will tomorrow look like for you? How much will you be on a court as opposed to resting, chilling?

TAYLOR FRITZ: Yeah, obviously it's a late finish, so I'll make sure I can sleep in. I mean, I'll come here. Hopefully just get, like, 30-, 45-minute hit, roll it over.

There's not really much to work on. I feel like I played really well today. Just maybe get back to returning some serves, hitting against a righty since I did just play a lefty.

Other than that, everything feels good, so I'll just take it easy.

Q. What is the biggest difference for you when you face a lefty? It just doesn't happen as often as playing a righty. The ball comes in a little differently. What is the biggest difference?

TAYLOR FRITZ: I mean, typically I find I'll hit my backhand much better against a lefty because I get this ball that's swinging away from me. I get a little bit more space on the backhand. It's easy to kind of come around it, hit across. So just naturally I feel pretty confident in my backhand.

You just have to get used to the forehand. The ball is going to maybe come a little flat or slide through when they're hitting their backhand across into the forehand as opposed to a righty typically a bit of spin, it's going to come up a bit more.

More than anything it's just getting used to the serve.

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