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July 9, 2024

Lulu Sun

Wimbledon, London, UK

Press Conference


5-7, 6-4, 6-1

THE MODERATOR: Lulu, how are you feeling after that match?

LULU SUN: I mean, it was a tough match. Donna played really well. She picked it up in the second set. Obviously the third set, I mean, towards the end of the second and third, I had troubles physically with some cramps.

That's maybe the only regret I have is I couldn't keep up physically, but she played better today and she deserved the win.

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. What have you learned the last couple of weeks from your run here at Wimbledon?

LULU SUN: I think the main one is just to keep fighting until the end. Obviously through quallies, that's really important. And even in main draw, as well. To just enjoy each match, enjoy tennis, yeah.

Q. It was your eighth match you've had here. Do you feel in that third set you perhaps ran out of gas?

LULU SUN: I think physically I did have a little bit of issues at the end. But honestly, I think she played well today.

Maybe if I could have moved faster, maybe if I didn't have the cramps, who knows what would have happened. But it did happen and I can't change the fact what happened.

Yeah, I mean, I did have a lot of matches. It might have been a cause of that, but I've learned a lot throughout these matches that I've had.

So I think I can take from it into the next tournaments.

Q. Over the last two weeks, what began to become more effective about your game that had you have this great leap forward?

LULU SUN: I think definitely on grass you have to keep low. That's probably why physically I couldn't keep up today, but... Definitely also serves and returns are really important on grass. Coming to the net, as well.

I think getting control with my forehand definitely helps. The slices here on grass are super effective, as well.

Q. What's next for you?

LULU SUN: I'm currently going to prepare with Erin for the Olympics. I'm super pumped about that. Although I did enter myself in another tournament, but unfortunately I have to withdraw from that 'cause I don't think I'll have enough time to prepare for that one.

But, yeah, I'm super excited to be able to play at the Olympics with Erin.

Q. You're going to be just outside top 50 after this. Things will change in terms of what you can and can't play. How exciting is that for you?

LULU SUN: Yeah, it definitely helps with the schedule. Unfortunately the ranking is not going to come immediately so I might have to adjust some tournaments after this.

But definitely being inside the top hundred is going to help immensely. I'm going to be able to play more and more WTA tournaments, which is really nice, as well.

So I'm looking forward to it, yeah.

Q. What is it about the whole Wimbledon experience that you won't forget from this year?

LULU SUN: I mean, even on the first day against Zheng Qinwen, I thought that court was huge and the people were loud. So I was like, Oh, my God, this is such an amazing experience to play on such a big court on your first day. I was just, like, super happy to be able to get that experience and play against such a big player, such a great player.

But then I played on Centre. It was against Emma. I don't think I could forget that. Definitely not. So I've had really great matches here at Wimbledon. I think just energy from New Zealand fans and other fans, as well, is such a surreal moment for me that I definitely won't forget, yeah.

Q. You just mentioned you pulled out of Budapest. You are not coming to Budapest to play the Hungarian Grand Prix next week?

LULU SUN: Probably not. I'm going to try, but we'll see, yeah.

Q. You have such an amazing multi-cultural background. You must have messages from all parts of the world, family in all countries. What has it been like?

LULU SUN: Definitely it's been work for my brain (smiling). But, I mean, I really appreciate all kinds of messages that I receive.

Obviously I haven't really looked that much into it. I haven't had the time, but I do feel it and I do feel the support. I'm immensely grateful for that.

Q. People are gathering in tennis clubs around New Zealand last night or tonight to watch your match. What does it feel like to know the impact you've made in New Zealand?

LULU SUN: I'm honestly just really happy to see that in New Zealand. To be to have people watch tennis more and more and to grow tennis in New Zealand itself, and also for future generations as well.

I'm super pumped that that is happening. I can't wait to grow.

Q. Do you think there's a shot that you'll be remembered for, the left forehand deep into the corners?

LULU SUN: I don't know. Maybe (smiling). We'll see.

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