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July 9, 2024

Carlos Alcaraz

Wimbledon, London, UK

Press Conference


5-7, 6-4, 6-2, 6-2

THE MODERATOR: Carlos, through to the semifinals again. Give us your thoughts.

CARLOS ALCARAZ: Well, I'm really happy to be back in the semifinal here in Wimbledon. Yeah, really happy about the level that I'm playing. Yeah, really excited about playing and facing Daniil Medvedev in the semifinal.

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. I think you came in a bit late so you could watch kickoff. When you're playing tennis, how much is Spain's game on your mind? Are you trying to finish in time so you can watch it?

CARLOS ALCARAZ: Honestly, at the beginning of the match I wasn't thinking about it. Once I feel like I'm dominating the game, 5-1 in the fourth set, yeah, I thought about it (smiling). I thought a little bit I was on time. I wasn't.

Yeah, after I finished, I did everything in a rush just to be in time to watch a bit of Spain.

Q. I would imagine you think you're not playing your best level in some of these matches where you've been challenged. How does it make you feel that you continue to win even though you haven't reached some of the levels that we've seen?

CARLOS ALCARAZ: Well, we try just to find solutions. For me obviously is going to be really difficult to play my best tennis every match. I know that there are going to be some matches that I'm not going to find my best tennis even though I have to try to win it.

I think that what the big three did along their career, they are not going to play his best tennis. Even like that, they are going to find their good tennis just to win those matches. That what I'm thinking.

When I'm not playing my best tennis, I'm going to try to find solutions just to be a bit better, just to beat the opponent. Sometimes going to be difficult to do it, but sometimes like these matches I didn't play brilliant, but I played enough level just to beat those matches.

Q. There were a lot of talks during this tournament about the conditions. The roof is there pretty often. Some players say that the grass on the Centre Court and No. 1 Court are very different. What is your take on condition of play? There was a goal between France and Spain. I don't know if you want to know who it was for.

CARLOS ALCARAZ: Well, I don't want to know it (smiling).

But anyway, obviously is different conditions when the roof is open and when the roof is closed. I felt the difference playing on Centre Court and on Court 1. The grass is different.

Obviously I feel like it was more sand on Court 1 than Centre Court. I don't want to say holes. There were more matches on Court 1 than Centre Court. I had to adapt my game on that. I didn't feel comfortable at all playing on Court 1 with the conditions on it. As I said, I had to adapt my game on it. I tried to play my best tennis on it.

Yeah, I think at the end I found it, I found my best tennis and my good tennis just to feel comfortable on it. It was difficult to found it.

Q. When Medvedev was here, he said one of the things that's most special about you is you can hit a great shot from anyplace. What do you think of what he said and what do you think is most special about him?

CARLOS ALCARAZ: Well, I'm glad that my opponents think that. That means they have to be really focus on every shots. It doesn't matter on the attack position or on the defending position, just that they are thinking that I'm able to be back on the point or be able to hit an unbelievable shot, to hit the winner. For me it's great that they thinking about it.

And I'm going to say the most difficult thing about facing Daniil, or the most special thing about him, is he can reach every ball. Well, he is like a wall. Every ball bounce back.

I feel like I can hit an unbelievable shot, the ball is going to bounce back. Is difficult to play thinking about that. So I going to say that's the most special thing about Daniil.

Q. Did you have any contact with any of the Spain players today like Alvaro?

CARLOS ALCARAZ: With Alvaro. I talk with Alvaro, with Morata. I wish them the best of luck. Yeah, when I finished, he send me some photos that he was watching the match before their match.

It was kind of lucky because he told me, Okay, I'm going to talk to you because every time that we spoke, we won.

Is kind of lucky.

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