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July 9, 2024

Emma Navarro

Wimbledon, London, UK

Press Conference

J. PAOLINI/E. Navarro

6-2, 6-1

THE MODERATOR: Emma, tough one out there today. Give us your thoughts.

EMMA NAVARRO: Yeah, tough to feel like I was playing such good tennis for a while there, made a run, then I just faced a really, really tough opponent today that played lights out and didn't give me anything.

I just felt pressure from her. I didn't play my best. But she, yeah, credit to her, she played really well.

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. A question about Jasmine. You were able to beat her three times before. What you are most impressed by her game? What did change compare to the other times you played against?

EMMA NAVARRO: She was a totally different player today than when I played her in the past. I felt like in our previous meetings I was the aggressor, I was the one controlling points, getting ahead at the beginning of points, then controlling the rallies, too.

I felt just the opposite of that today. I felt like she was just on top of me from the very first point. Yeah, struggled to push back against that. I feel like she served really well, too.

When I played her before, I felt like return games were opportunities where I could get ahead and play aggressively. I didn't feel that at all today. Same when I was serving, just felt a lot of pressure from her.

Q. What will you take from this tournament going forward in terms of positives?

EMMA NAVARRO: A lot. I played the best tennis I've ever played in my life this tournament. It's really exciting to know I have that level inside of me. I know I'll keep improving on it. I know this isn't the last time I'm going to be in the quarterfinals of a Grand Slam. I know I'll be back.

Just obviously disappointed today, but big picture-wise really excited to keep improving.

Q. Do you think in the first set or second set there was one or two points that could have made a difference, like a turning point?

EMMA NAVARRO: Yeah, for sure. I think at the beginning of both sets there were a couple of points where maybe if I'm playing a little bit better, I make her hit a tough overhead or hit a better passing shot, where I let her hit a put-away volley or missed a forehand long that I know I can make. I think there were a couple points like that where maybe it could have made a big difference. Or maybe I win that game and she goes on a run anyway. You can't know.

Definitely some points there that I'll be thinking about for a little bit.

Q. Your schedule going forward, what is it going to look like?

EMMA NAVARRO: Going home and then going to play in the Olympics and then the hard court North American swing starts.

Q. Who do you think is going to win Wimbledon?

EMMA NAVARRO: I think if Jasmine plays like she did today, she has a really good shot.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports

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