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July 10, 2024

Lorenzo Musetti

Wimbledon, London, UK

Press Conference


3-6, 7-6, 6-2, 3-6, 6-1

THE MODERATOR: Lorenzo, you're in the semifinals at Wimbledon. How are you feeling?

LORENZO MUSETTI: I mean, probably didn't realize yet everything. Really surrounded by really good emotions. Really, really happy of what I've achieved today. Really happy on the way I fought until the end. I founded a way to develop my game set after set.

It was really a big reaction from me on the fifth, what I probably played my best tennis on this week.

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. You lost some really tough ones at Grand Slams. How much have those experiences helped you, and how much do you think today will help you in the semifinal?

LORENZO MUSETTI: Yeah, I mean, I've had many, many tough losses. Especially of course the best results before this week were made in French Open. Especially also with Nole two times in the fifth. One time with Stefanos in the fifth. Huge loss against Carlos where I didn't even play my tennis.

I think I made, of course, a step forward in the maturity and experience. Probably that losses with all big champions made me think, made me work harder.

The win of today is probably the result. I think I can have a chance with Nole the next round.

Q. Can I take you back to that match at Roland Garros with Novak, the ridiculous nature of going to 2 or 3 in the morning. Are you quite glad there's a curfew here?

LORENZO MUSETTI: Yeah, I mean, before in the mixed zone I was joking about not finishing again at 3 a.m.

But jokes apart, it was such a nice match, had my chances. I didn't probably took the chances that I got, especially on the fourth where I was leading the third and the second.

I think I analyze really well that match and the key moments where I could do better. I put myself in that position. I think in the past weeks, starting from Stuttgart, I started to feel more continuous on that, on the attitude.

Even today I have to thank myself for the attitude that I had, especially losing the first set in not, say, a positive way where I didn't feel my serve really well. I didn't feel the ball. I was a little bit nervous.

Then immediately with a positive attitude I change all my mindset, and also the feeling with the ball was better. So that's probably what I have to do in the next round also.

Q. You played with a terrific amount of variety in your game today. Is that something you've been focusing on developing over the past year? Is that something that has made you more comfortable on grass, the ability to use that?

LORENZO MUSETTI: That's probably something that I say I found it more - how can I say - worse for the other guys to be having not each shot the same. Especially like with a good baseliner like Taylor, if you play every time flat, I cannot win a point.

I mean, I'm playing his game. So probably it was the strategy to try to mix every ball and try to lead the game. Certain point of the match I felt from the baseline I could, let's say, win every point. He was, let's say, not in a good position with all my variation.

It's certainly something that I'm really working on it. Since I was a kid, I always didn't like to do the same stuff on the court, not to be, let's say, mono-automatic on the court. Probably it's a good help on grass, and I'm using this week.

Q. How would you describe what it's like to play against Djokovic and what your thoughts or on his place in the history of the sport?

LORENZO MUSETTI: Of course, I played him many times in different stage, even big ones like of course two times in French Open. I beated him one time in Monte-Carlo. Then I lost all the others.

I have to say with Nole, after the match I always finished with a lesson. Of course, the last match was really an intense match from both players and really stressful match.

So what I have to say, against him you are probably more stressed because he's probably the best player ever or one of the best players ever.

You walk on court with a different mentality. As I said before, I think if I play in a certain way, I could have my shot in the next round.

Q. It's not every day that we see Queen Camilla swapping from Centre Court to go to No. 1 Court, doing the Mexican wave for you. Could you reflect on the semifinals? What does it mean to you?

LORENZO MUSETTI: Honestly, I didn't know about that because it was so crowded that I couldn't see, not even my friends. So I'm really glad that she was there. I didn't had the opportunity to meet her. Would be an honor for me to be playing in front of such a big person as her.

Of course, yeah, for me it's kind of magic day. I have to say after the birth of my son, I will put in the second position today for my career.

Of course, for my career is the best day of my life.

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