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July 10, 2024

Barbora Krejcikova

Wimbledon, London, UK

Press Conference

B. KREJCIKOVA/J. Ostapenko

6-4, 7-6

THE MODERATOR: Barbora, long day for you, but a good one. Into the semifinals of Wimbledon. Give us your thoughts.

BARBORA KREJCIKOVA: Yeah, long day, very tough match against Jelena. Extremely happy that I got the win today, that I'm in a semifinals. I think it's a great, great achievement.

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. This is your best performance at a slam since your French Open win. How good does it feel to finally be getting back to your level?

BARBORA KREJCIKOVA: It feels great. I'm very happy about it. Yeah, very honored that I can be here. I'm super happy about performances that I'm showing on the court.

Q. You mentioned on court it's been a tough year, you even thought about giving up at some points. Can you talk about your mindset and how you stayed positive through this year?

BARBORA KREJCIKOVA: I mean, it was super difficult. It was very, very up and down, especially with all the illnesses that I had especially this year.

I felt like I started well, especially in Australia where I did quarters. I was on a good roll. Then I don't know where just my body said differently. I mean, I'm extremely proud that I never give up and that I'm here, yeah, that I have the energy and the power to overcome this and to fight again and to play good tennis.

Q. How would you describe Rybakina as a player?

BARBORA KREJCIKOVA: I mean, we played couple times. I mean, yeah, she's a great player. She's a former champion here. I mean, she knows the court. She knows how to play on grass. She's very dangerous. She has lot of weapons.

I mean, I'm super happy that I'm in a semis and that I can face her.

Q. What do you consider to be the biggest challenge in her game?

BARBORA KREJCIKOVA: Well, I mean, overall she's a good player. She knows how to play everything. I mean, as I said, she has a big weapons. I mean, on the other hand, I do have a big weapons, as well. I expect that it's going to be a big fight.

Q. What is making you feel best about your game right now? What contributes most to your success?

BARBORA KREJCIKOVA: Just the preparation, in general. I mean, I have a very, very good atmosphere here. I have a very nice family that I'm staying with. They are a big key for me to, like, be very relaxed.

I also have a really good team that is around me that is helping me with everyday stuff and also with being relaxed and enjoy the moment.

Q. On the court what do you think it is that you're doing that has been so successful?

BARBORA KREJCIKOVA: Just playing tennis.

Q. The head-to-head with you and Rybakina is 2-nil in favor of yourself. What do you think you did so well against her in the previous two matches?

BARBORA KREJCIKOVA: I don't remember those matches. I don't know. I will have to look at them because I think it's definitely some time ago.

I know that last time I played her was I think in Ostrava. It was a very, very tight match. It was very up and down. From what I remember, I was down most of the time. Then somehow I was able to turn around the match and win it at the end.

I mean, it was definitely a huge, huge match for me. I mean, I'm expecting another huge, huge match in the semifinals.

Q. Have you surprised yourself at all in this tournament?

BARBORA KREJCIKOVA: Definitely, yes.

Q. What is surprising to you?

BARBORA KREJCIKOVA: That I'm in a semifinals. I mean, yeah, I didn't have really good season in between Australia and now. I was out. I was ill and injured, this and that. Always coming back and getting ill again. Coming back, getting ill. Going through very tough and difficult moments.

I mean, like before Wimbledon, I only won two matches, so... Yeah, I mean, I didn't really expect to get this far, and I'm really proud of myself for getting this far.

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