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July 11, 2024

Jasmine Paolini

Wimbledon, London, UK

Press Conference


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THE MODERATOR: Jasmine, how are you feeling right now?

JASMINE PAOLINI: I'm feeling amazing. Today has been a really, really tough match. So emotional match. Yeah, I'm just feeling so great, yeah.

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. What would it mean to you to see the Princess of Wales, Catherine, in the Royal Box? Also, how excited would you be if she presented you with the trophy if you win Wimbledon?

JASMINE PAOLINI: I didn't get the second part, sorry.

Q. How excited would you be if she presented you the trophy if you win Wimbledon?

JASMINE PAOLINI: Yeah, I mean, it's an honor. It's a pleasure to play in that court with the royalty there. So, yeah, it's a little bit strange for me, no?

If I'm going to meet her in the final, it's going to be a great moment, of course.

Q. How much was this win today mental, in addition to physical?

JASMINE PAOLINI: It was really tough. Today was really, really tough. At the beginning I was really struggling. She was serving really well. She was make me run every ball.

I wasn't serving well. I was just trying to repeat to myself to keep going, try to be close to her, yeah, just believe that the match can turn whenever.

It work, I have to say. Yeah, I won the second set, then I won the third. It was a really, really tough match mentally and physically, as well.

Q. If one of us were to say to you one year ago that you would be here right now, having reached the final of Roland Garros and now in the final of Wimbledon, what would you have said to us?

JASMINE PAOLINI: I think even two months ago (laughter)...

No, I don't know. You are crazy, I would say, yes. Yeah, I don't have words. Just, yeah, you are crazy I would say (laughter).

Q. You said the other day you were going to ask your coach why he told you...

JASMINE PAOLINI: I didn't ask him. I'm sorry (laughter).

Q. I gave you a homework assignment.


Q. Now do you think that grass may be your best surface? Other than the movement, what is it that it allows you to do with your game?

JASMINE PAOLINI: I don't know. I think I can hit the ball really, really strong. But also moving for me, it's important. I have to repeat it. I can defend, as well.

I don't know. But, yeah, I try to ask. Today I'm trying to ask to my coach (smiling). I think he would say that, yeah, I can play good because I can hit the ball strong. Yeah, I think so. I think he would say that, because I hit the ball strong.

But I don't know. I will ask.

Q. You're an extraordinary athlete. I was wondering if you can tell us a little about the kind of work you put in to get to this level of fitness, and if that probably was the reason you were able to come so good this year, right from Australia?

JASMINE PAOLINI: Yeah, I'm working with a new fitness coach from Rome 2023, Andrea. He is helping me a lot, I have to say.

But I think that physically I was fast even before. Now I think maybe... Yeah, I don't know. My coach told me for him I'm moving better than one year ago. I have to believe that (smiling).

No, yeah, I'm just trying to bring the fitness coach with me as much as possible because I think it's a really important part of our game, to be healthy also and to do prevention, strength, run, I don't know, many things.

Every day we try to do a little bit in the warm ups, yeah. But as every player. Nothing special.

Q. Wimbledon fans have taken to you by the way you play, you wear your heart on your sleeve, express your emotions, smile. Have you always been like that? What do you think of the way you've interacted with the crowd?

JASMINE PAOLINI: I think, yes, I would always be like that. Now, I'm really enjoying to play in the big stadium. I feel grateful to the crowd that is watching me. Yeah, I'm just enjoying.

I love to play in these kind of courts. It feels more special. Also to play important matches, it's so special. I'm so grateful that also the crowd was cheering for me. Yeah, it's a great feeling I think for a tennis player.

Q. How proud are you to be part of this, I guess, following the footsteps of that golden generation in Italian women's tennis, the Pennettas, Erranis, Vincis, Schiavones? How much does that inspire you?

JASMINE PAOLINI: Yeah, they inspiring me so much. But I don't want to compare too much because I'm writing my own story, my own career.

But I remember the Grand Slam finals that they made. I think it's really important for also the next generation having people that can do great things. They can show you that it's possible. That's really important I think.

Of course, I'm grateful to them, yeah.

Q. We don't know your opponent yet for the final. Looking at either one, what do you think would be the keys for you to beat either one of them? Obviously you had experience against Elena at the French Open recently.

JASMINE PAOLINI: Yeah, I never played against Barbora, but she's a Grand Slam champion. She play tennis unbelievable. I practice with her sometimes. Maybe I know a little bit more Elena because I played against her many times.

But tomorrow, it's going to be a Wimbledon final, so it's a different kind of match, I think. As I said, it's always the same things the goal: to try to serve well today I didn't, I have to say to try to return as many balls as possible, and to control the point.

On the grass is tough to defend. So the goal Saturday will be that one for sure in terms of game, of the tactic.

Q. I was watching you today warming up on the court. How do you keep so feeling at home, like it's normal? You are very focused. You enjoy. How you manage to feel this pressure not on you now with the whole world watching you?

JASMINE PAOLINI: I don't know. I'm trying, as I said, to live the present and to enjoy what I'm doing and don't forget where I am. I think it's a really privileged position, and I have to keep that in focus, you know?

Also, sometimes I'm trying to say to myself, Okay, jokes apart, enjoy, but stay also focused and think about what you have to do to step on court and give the 100% that you have.

It's a balance, I think, between enjoying and be focused.

Q. Can you explain to us why Italian tennis is so good at the moment? How does it feel with you and Lorenzo to carry the sporting hopes of Italy after your football team was so rubbish?

JASMINE PAOLINI: No, it's great to do good in Wimbledon (laughter).

Yeah, Lorenzo is a really nice guy. I'm so happy for him. Tomorrow, for sure, I'm going to watch some tennis. Yeah, he has a huge talent. I think really good person. Hopefully he can play a good match.

I don't know. I think now we are many Italians doing great things. I think we are inspiring each other, no? Also, I have to say in Italy there are many, many tournaments, like challengers, ITF, juniors.

I think every player shows that something can be possible. Jannik is showing that. In Italy now it's normal to have Jannik No. 1. Normal, no, but he's doing unbelievable things.

I think he lost three matches this year, so it's unbelievable to have him in that position. I think it help all the movement behind, no?

Now we have many, many players that are doing really, really well, apart Sinner, of course.

Q. You said a few minutes ago that a couple of months ago you would have thought you were crazy to imagine what has happened since. What has surprised you the most about yourself?

JASMINE PAOLINI: Hmm... The result, yes. Two Grand Slam finals in a row was crazy to believe, I think, no? I'm also surprising how at the moment, until now in this moment, I'm living this.

I feel maybe Saturday I will be so nervous, I don't know. But I feel also relaxed. I'm the same person. I'm doing the same things. Yeah, I don't know. I'm surprised a little bit how I'm managing this.

I don't want to say more because maybe Saturday I'm going to be shaking. Yeah, I'm surprising by myself to live this with really relaxing mood, you know?

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