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July 11, 2024

Elena Rybakina

Wimbledon, London, UK

Press Conference


3-6, 6-3, 6-4

THE MODERATOR: Elena, never easy to lose at this stage of the event. Give us your thoughts on the match.

ELENA RYBAKINA: Well, yeah, it was very close match. Of course, pity to lose. I think Barbora played really well. I had some chances, but anyway, I think it's a positive tournament for me.

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. What would you say you struggled with most in Barbora's game in the second and in the third set?

ELENA RYBAKINA: Well, I think that she raised a bit percentage of the first serve in the second set. My percentage dropped a little bit. It went pretty quick. We had a lot of games on deuce, 30-All.

I think physically a little bit I also dropped in some important moments. I should have stayed maybe more aggressive and with a little bit better footwork.

She was playing pretty well. She was opening up the court. Also serving pretty well. Cannot say much.

Q. What moment would you think there were turning points in the second set and the third set?

ELENA RYBAKINA: Well, in the second set when she broke me pretty early, then in the third one it was close. Again, it was change of balls also.

If I would have maybe took my serve, then it will be a little bit easier. As I say, it was pretty close one. Some moments I was maybe a little bit less lucky than her in some moments when it was challenge or some things like this.

But, yeah, I think it was pretty close in the end.

Q. How different was it playing outside of the open roof compared to with the roof closed and if you prepare differently knowing it's going to be different conditions?

ELENA RYBAKINA: Well, of course, there is wind, there is sun without the roof. My toss maybe was not as clean as it should be.

You should be ready always to play with open roof, with the closed roof. I think the preparation is always the same. I was hitting today outside, so there is no problem if it was open or close.

Of course, I would prefer close one because there is no conditions, but it's the same for both of us.

Q. How is it playing a semi being a set away from being at the Wimbledon finals again?

ELENA RYBAKINA: Well, definitely it's pity to lose the match, being so close to the final. But, as I said before, I think overall it was positive two weeks for me. I've been playing pretty well last four matches, so I'm happy with the level I am now and also how I felt physically on the court.

In the last few months I was struggling a little bit. I'm just trying to take only positive from these two weeks.

Q. Barbora will be playing in her first Wimbledon final. You were in that position. What is that like? What are the main challenges of doing that?


Q. For any player. How did you find it?

ELENA RYBAKINA: Well, I think she got a lot of experience. Also, she been winning Grand Slam doubles. She won French Open. I think she's pretty experienced player.

I think depends also how both of them will physically prepare and also recover from the tough matches they both played.

Yeah, I think it's going to be interesting match.

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