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July 13, 2024

Jasmine Paolini

Wimbledon, London, UK

Press Conference


6-2, 2-6, 6-4

THE MODERATOR: Jasmine, obviously not the result you were looking for today, but overall a fantastic Championships for you.

JASMINE PAOLINI: Yeah, today is a little bit tough to speak now. Yeah, it's been a really good two weeks. I have to accept today and to try to work hard. I'm sure I'm going to do it, but today it's tough to speak 'cause I was close but not enough.

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. How do you compare your emotions and the experience of the Roland Garros final compared to today's final?

JASMINE PAOLINI: I don't know. I started bad. But, yeah, I said, Okay, take some time and try to relax and to come back in the second set stronger to try to push the ball more because I was a little bit controlling too much, and I missed a lot of shots.

She was playing, honestly, very good the first set. She was serving really, really good. High percentage of first serves.

Was tough. But, yeah, I think I did better than the last final, but still not enough.

Q. This has been an incredible year for you, starting with the run in Australia. What have you done that's helped you play so much better this year?

JASMINE PAOLINI: I think, yeah, I improve a little bit my game. Yeah, as I said many times, I believe more in myself. I improve serve. I think I improve the return.

Also, I think physically I'm better than two years ago. I'm working since one year and a half with a new fitness coach.

Many things, I think. Not just one. I think also winning matches helps a lot. I started well this year, but I was playing good also the last year.

I don't know. I think, yeah, winning matches of course helps. But I think we are doing also lot of work in the practice session with my coach, my fitness coach, the video analysis.

Many things.

Q. You said a few days ago that if somebody told you a year ago that you would have done this, you'd say they're crazy.


Q. Now you're saying you think you'll do it at a major. What is going through your mind now about your future?

JASMINE PAOLINI: I don't know. I have still to, I think, realize that I did final in Wimbledon. It's an amazing thing. Of course, now I'm a little bit disappointed.

Yeah, as I said, it's been an incredible year. Yeah, I'm enjoying. I hope to continue like that with this level of tennis. I'm going to try to work to keep this focus, this level.

Yeah, I don't know. I'm just I think enjoying these kind of results that I did. But today it's tough because I'm disappointed a little bit, but it's okay (smiling).

Q. I remember you saying in Paris that you're somebody that dreams step-by-step. I wonder now that you're a two-time Grand Slam finalist, you're going to be No. 5 in the world, I wondered what the next step of the dream is?

JASMINE PAOLINI: I don't know (laughing). I don't know. I don't know.

Sometimes I'm a little bit scared to dream too much. I have to say that. I don't know. I'm going back, trying to practice, to stay in the present, as I said many times. This is the goal for me, my team, to try to keep this level as much as possible.

If I keep this level, I think I can have the chance to do great things. But if I'm not keeping this level, it's not coming anything good.

I don't know what to dream right now. Today I was dreaming to hold the trophy, but didn't went well. Yeah, I'm just enjoying the position where I am right now, 5 in the world.

It's unbelievable, honestly. I just did two finals in two Grand Slams. I have to be also happy with the results. Also a little bit disappointed, yeah.

Q. Obviously the French Open was a bit of a surprise. You've backed it up here. Do you feel now players are playing differently against you, maybe treat you with more respect? Do you feel like your standing in the locker room has changed?

JASMINE PAOLINI: I don't know. I don't think so. I don't have this kind of sensation.

I think every match in tennis is tough, no? When I step on court, I have so much respect for the opponent because you never know. Tennis is so tough. Every match is difficult. It's different, as well. One day you feel super good, and the day after you feel bad, you cannot put a ball into the court.

I'm always aware to try to step on court and to try to find solution with what I have that day. I don't know. We have to ask this to other players maybe.

Right now I'm feeling the same person. I'm feeling in the same way.

Q. I wanted to ask you a little bit about your backstory. Lorenzo the other day told us about how his mom used to drive him all those miles to practice tennis. I wonder if your parents were also as much part of your early tennis journey.

JASMINE PAOLINI: Yes, of course. I think parents most of the time in this sport are supporting with 100% of, I don't know, everything. You need to practice a lot when you play tennis.

Yeah, my mom was also driving me to the tennis club. Then she was picking up, as well. I think the parents are so important to support you, but also to help you to chase your dream.

You have to do things, you know? You have to go to tournaments. You have to go to practice. So, yeah, of course I'm grateful with them.

They were always I think behind me, always supporting, always let me choose what I want to be, what I want to do without any pressure I think.

Yeah, I'm really grateful that they were present but also, like, let me live my life.

Q. What is it that you do that has allowed you, especially in the last few months, to reset after you lose a set, fall behind, then climb back into these matches? Is there anything different that you're doing or something you were always able to do? What did you do today after losing the first set?

JASMINE PAOLINI: Today was really tough. With Vekic, as well. I was trying to refocus, to say to myself, Okay, it's tough, but you have to start to hit the ball stronger and try to relax a little bit.

I think, of course, winning matches helps in these kind of matches and position. I always try to fight, even years ago. Maybe I wasn't that, let's say, I don't know, smart on court. I don't know. I was a little bit more maybe nervous.

Now I feel like, Okay, the first set was bad, but I have to be calm and to find solution, not to be - I don't know how to say - I have to be positive and not try to my emotions to be a little bit on the side. I have to be focus on what I have to do.

I think, yeah, in the last couple of months, but also in the last year, I'm doing this better. Yeah, I think I have to keep going. There's a lot of things to do (smiling).

Q. How would you describe Barbora's game? What did she do best today that gave you the most difficulty?

JASMINE PAOLINI: I think she served better than me, of course. I also think she can move the ball very good, very well. She can takes really great angles with the shots. She's a very complete player. She's so good.

Yeah, I think she was a little bit I think closer to the line with respect of me. I was a little bit, especially the first set, too much back in the court. She was taking the ball earlier, and she was moving me.

But then I tried to serve better and to try to push more. It went a little bit better, but still she was playing really good I think. The quality of the serve of hers was better than mine, I think.

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