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July 13, 2024

Barbora Krejcikova

Wimbledon, London, UK

Press Conference


3-6, 6-3, 6-4

THE MODERATOR: Barbora Krejcikova, Wimbledon ladies' singles champion, how does that sound?

BARBORA KREJCIKOVA: Crazy (smiling).

No, it sounds crazy, but yeah, I'm super happy. I'm super happy that I won today, yeah, that I was able to lift up the trophy.

Yeah, it's a great feeling.

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. Obviously since you won three years ago, you knew you were capable of this. In the 13 Grand Slams you competed since, did something feel different about this one? Why now, do you think?

BARBORA KREJCIKOVA: I have no idea why this tournament. I mean, I had really tough draw from the very first match. I was just going match by match. I was just feeling better and getting better.

Yeah, I mean, here I am. I don't know how that happen. But, yes, I'm a winner of this edition.

Q. How much importance does your experience in finals, because you played a lot of doubles finals and won almost all of your finals so far? How important it is in a singles match, in a singles final? How different is it, and how important is it?

BARBORA KREJCIKOVA: Well, I think it definitely helped me. It's advantage that I was able to play a lot of finals in doubles and in mixed doubles. I was there with my partner to share all the emotions that are going through for you during the match.

It definitely, definitely helped me also for my singles matches.

Q. We saw you looking at your name and Jana's name on the honors board. It was an emotional moment for you. What did that mean to you?

BARBORA KREJCIKOVA: Well, the only thing that was going through my head was that I miss Jana a lot. It was just very, very emotional. Very emotional moment to see me on a board right next to here.

I think she would be proud. I think she would be really excited that I'm on a same board as she is because Wimbledon was super special for her.

Q. How long did you work together with Novotna? What was in the letter you gave to her?

BARBORA KREJCIKOVA: We started beginning of 2014 until she passed away. Well, like I'm not exactly sure what I wrote in the letter right now, but I wrote something that I'm playing tennis, that I'm 18, I just finished juniors, and that I don't know what to do right now. So if she could, like, look at me and maybe help me, guide me, tell me which direction should I go.

Q. This may be too sensitive. You talk about missing her. Do you ever have conversations with her in your head?

BARBORA KREJCIKOVA: I'm dreaming about her a lot. I'm dreaming about her, like, in a dream, yeah.

Q. What's happening in those dreams?

BARBORA KREJCIKOVA: Well, I think it's very personal. So I would just keep it like this.

But, yes, I'm dreaming about her, and we talking in the dreams.

Q. The first set seemed to flow beautifully for you, like you weren't thinking. The second set was more of a challenge. Were you kind of a little bit set back by the way Jasmine came back at you? Were you expecting dips in the game?

BARBORA KREJCIKOVA: Well, I mean, yes, I started well. I mean, for me it was good. I mean, it was a good start to the match. I was happy with the first set.

Then in the second I think she improved. I think she kind of, like, all the stress and everything just went away, and she started to be more smooth and started to play better. I still had my chances there, but I didn't convert them. Yeah, then the set was tough to come back.

In the third we were holding the serves. I mean, I was just fighting for every single ball. I believe that I'm going to get the opportunity to break her, and I did.

Yeah, I mean, then the rest is history (smiling).

Q. What went through your mind when you were serving for the match at 5-4? There was 16-points game. Before that you had lost only one point in four serves. Then 30-Love for you, double-fault. Was it very emotional?

BARBORA KREJCIKOVA: I mean, I expect it's going to be difficult to serve it out, but I believe that I can do it. I started the game well. Jasmine, she was returning quite well. She put every single ball in. We were fighting for the balls.

I mean, the only thing I was telling myself, Just try to make first serve and try to play your shot and just be brave. If it's not going to work out, it's going to be 5-All, and the match is not over. The match is going to continue.

I was quite prepared for both options.

Q. If you're willing to share a little more about the start of your relationship with Jana. What happened after the letter? How long was it until the two of you were in more regular touch and she began helping you?

BARBORA KREJCIKOVA: Well, I think after the letter was maybe like a week before we actually went to hit. Pretty much after that hit, we were basically in touch a lot. Then I think, I don't know how long it took, but it was quite quick when she started to, like, helping me, working with me, giving her time to me.

Q. Does winning a second major title change anything for you in the way you view yourself as a player? Do you think expectations will change for you from yourself going forward?

BARBORA KREJCIKOVA: No, I still feel the same. I mean, it's great that I'm a two-time major champion. It's something unbelievable.

I mean, on the other hand, yeah, I'm still the same person. I still love tennis very much. I still want to continue playing tennis well and fight for other tournaments.

Q. I apologize for asking another question about Jana. This is such a special story that touches so many people. Now after winning this, if you could say something to Jana, what would you say to her?

BARBORA KREJCIKOVA: Well, I think I would turn it around. I would like to hear what she would tell me.

Q. What do you think she might say to you on this day?

BARBORA KREJCIKOVA: I think she would tell me that she is very proud about me and that she's super happy and... I don't know. Maybe something else. I don't know.

Q. You're the first Czech player to win two slams on two different surfaces. What do you expect when you come home? A big party or celebration?

BARBORA KREJCIKOVA: I don't know. I'm not really expecting anything.

Q. Nobody?

BARBORA KREJCIKOVA: No, I don't think that. I don't know. I was never in this situation. Was never in a situation like this. I don't know what to expect.

Q. What happened after French Open? Nothing big or special?

BARBORA KREJCIKOVA: Whew, I mean, it's long time ago (smiling).

Q. People around that follow sports will think of you as a two-time major champion now, but you're actually a 12-time major champion with all your doubles titles. Do you feel like there should be a gap in how people look at doubles titles versus singles titles? How do you feel inside? How different is it to win singles versus doubles?

BARBORA KREJCIKOVA: Well, it is different. I mean, it's definitely different, especially in I guess a media and fans views. I think it's different.

For me, winning a slam in any category is an extremely great achievement.

Q. Do you wish it were different? Are you at peace with the fact that singles is here and doubles is more low?

BARBORA KREJCIKOVA: Well, I think it should be more equal, but there is not much I can do about it, so...

Q. You have said in the past that you haven't received enough credit from the media also being a Grand Slam singles champion. Do you think it's going to be different now that you are a Wimbledon champion?


Q. What do you think is the reason?

BARBORA KREJCIKOVA: I don't know (smiling).

Q. When did Wimbledon become a dream of yours? How does the reality match the dream?

BARBORA KREJCIKOVA: It's tough to say. I mean, winning any slam is great. Winning here at the Wimbledon is huge for me.

But I wouldn't really say it was kind of like my dreams when I was very little. I have like a little notebook that I wrote when I was, like, 12. I don't know, maybe like three, four months ago I was listing through that notebook.

I had there that in the future, like back then when I was 12, I wrote that in the future I would like to win the French Open. So it was quite a big dream for me to win the French Open.

To be honest, maybe things shifted a little bit when I actually met Jana and when she was telling me all the stories about Wimbledon, about the grass, how difficult it was for her to win the title and how emotional she was when she actually made it.

I think since then I started to see the Wimbledon like the biggest tournament in the world.

Q. How does the reality match what you thought?

BARBORA KREJCIKOVA: It's great. It feels so good (lifting arms and smiling).

Q. You said on court that this is the best day of your life. Do you think you're playing the best tennis of your career?

BARBORA KREJCIKOVA: I think I do, yes. I think I did because today was very difficult, and I really had to dig deep in every aspect. Also in tennis, but also mentally.

I'm extremely proud that I was able to do that, to hold everything together, and to just win the finals.

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