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July 14, 2024

Nicolai Budkov Kjaer

Wimbledon, London, UK

Press Conference

N. BUDKOV KJAER/M. Rottgering

6-3, 6-3

THE MODERATOR: Nikolai, I'll start off by saying, Wimbledon boys singles champion, how does that sound to you?

NICOLAI BUDKOV KJAER: No, it feels amazing to achieve childhood goal of mine. So very proud of that and happy with my performance today.

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. When you're celebrating, lying on the Wimbledon grass, what is going through your mind at that moment?

NICOLAI BUDKOV KJAER: No, it's a relief. You're extremely happy with the week and a lot of emotions go through your mind. You're just happy and enjoying the moment, I guess.

Q. You made a little bit of history for Norway, as well. How does that make you feel to do it for yourself but also a national statistic?

NICOLAI BUDKOV KJAER: No, it's great. You're extremely proud of your performance. Yeah, it's surreal to do it. But it's only juniors, so I'm trying to achieve bigger things.

Of course, it's a great milestone for me to achieve it.

Q. I understand that you're something of a late bloomer, you were not one of the best 12-year-olds or the best 14-year-olds, and yet here you are at age 17. Is that correct, you're 17?


Q. As a Wimbledon champion, how did you close that gap so quickly?

NICOLAI BUDKOV KJAER: Yeah, you're right. I was more of a late bloomer. I wasn't playing on the big stage I guess when I was 14 and under. It's hard to say what made me close the gap.

I mean, I grew, built up some muscles, as everybody does, I guess. The Norwegian kind of path to become good, it's more as you call it a late bloomer, so we usually are better when we get older.

That's how we do it, I guess.

Q. Obviously you've had a great year so far. How would you sum up your year so far?

NICOLAI BUDKOV KJAER: Oh, the word that can describe it is 'great'. It's great. It is also a lot of hard work behind it. It doesn't come easy.

So extremely happy with my year. I try to build on my confidence and how I play now.

Q. How does the rest of the evening look like for you? How will you celebrate?

NICOLAI BUDKOV KJAER: No, I will celebrate with my family and the people that are here, which are very involved in my performance and how I play. That's how it will look.

Q. The Champions Ball tonight, as well, right?


Q. Yesterday you mentioned you hoped your serve would come with you. Do you feel like it did?

NICOLAI BUDKOV KJAER: It was a bit up and down, to be honest. It's, of course, very nerve-wracking to play the final and on the big stage.

I mean, I felt I served quite good first serve. My second serve was a bit shaky, but I served okay. I'm happy with the performance. So yeah, it was okay. I won, so I'm happy (smiling).

Q. You had a close match with him last year. What do you think the difference was today? Was it your serve? The surface?


I don't know. It was tough match. Mees was playing unbelievable at the start of the second set. He had a bit of a rough start. I think I handled nerves a bit better than him.

I played maybe on the experience that I'm a bit older, I'm a bit more grown in my mind. I don't know, to be honest, what's the difference on the matches. It was a long time ago, so...

Q. Your family speaks in Russian or no?

NICOLAI BUDKOV KJAER: My mother was born in Estonia, back then Soviet Union. I don't speak any Russian or Ukraine or any of those languages, unfortunately. I wish I learned it.

Q. What was it like to walk out on Court 1? Was it the biggest crowd you played in front of?

NICOLAI BUDKOV KJAER: Yeah, I don't know how many was there, but the stadium was huge. I was just trying to do my game, play the way I play. I was just focused on that.

Q. Did you play another sport before you started tennis.

NICOLAI BUDKOV KJAER: Yeah, I played hockey and a little bit of football, but hockey and tennis was the two main ones that I played when I was younger.

I think that definitely helped, especially my backhand is pretty solid. You have two hands on the stick also in the hockey, so that helped for sure.

Q. What made you gravitate towards tennis?

NICOLAI BUDKOV KJAER: I was better. My dad was working in tennis at that time. That's the two main reasons.

Q. Will you play the US Open?

NICOLAI BUDKOV KJAER: I'm planning on it. Hopefully I can grab another title there.

Q. What are you like off the court? What do you like to do in your spare time?

NICOLAI BUDKOV KJAER: I like to play a lot of golf. Many of my friends do it. I like to relax in the evening, play some golf, watch Netflix or YouTube or movies.

Q. What's your handicap?

NICOLAI BUDKOV KJAER: 14, 13. I'm not that good. I've been playing a lot with my friends.

Q. Play with Casper?

NICOLAI BUDKOV KJAER: Maybe. He's a busy man. I have to see what he has time for. If he gives me the opportunity to play golf or tennis or whatever, I'm joining (smiling).

Q. Your parents are playing tennis?

NICOLAI BUDKOV KJAER: No. My dad started when he was maybe 30 or something. Yeah, they don't have a tennis background. He did cycling. My mother was a swimmer. A sport family. My sister plays tennis. We have evolved to become a tennis family now.

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