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July 14, 2024

Renata Jamrichova

Wimbledon, London, UK

Press Conference


6-3, 6-4

THE MODERATOR: Renata, tell us how you're feeling. You're the Wimbledon girls' champion.

RENATA JAMRICHOVA: Yeah, just amazing feeling right now. I'm so happy and grateful as I said on the court that I can finish my junior career with this junior title here. Played on such a nice court, Court 1. Nice atmosphere, so many people watching me play.

As I said, it was for sure the best junior match I've ever played. So I'm just happy.

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. The first set you made one unforced error, 90% of your first serves in. Was that just about as well as you could play?

RENATA JAMRICHOVA: I mean, I don't know, but I just played. I served well. Actually my dad told me after the match I did zero double-faults. I can't even remember when that happened to me.

I just played and enjoyed every second there, yeah.

Q. Do you think the fact that you knew it was your last tournament kind of freed you up to enjoy it?

RENATA JAMRICHOVA: Yeah, actually I played for no points, no win. I just wanted to, as I said so many times, just play here and just enjoy the last days with these guys here and with my friends here with the juniors, yeah.

Q. I know you've been with Jan as your coach since an early age. Can you talk about that.

RENATA JAMRICHOVA: He's been such an important person for me on court but also off the court. He learned me to express my emotions and to say no to things when I don't like them. I think he did many things for me, yeah.

Q. How nice is it to share moments like this together?

RENATA JAMRICHOVA: I mean, I think for him it's also. For me, as well. He can be here with me like every tournament from, I don't know, very early age. He saw me on my lowest points and now when I'm playing my best tennis, so yeah.

Q. How would you compare the final between Australia and today?

RENATA JAMRICHOVA: Yeah, I think this final was just another level of game from my side and also from Emerson. She improved so much I think. It was just I think a better tennis that we played in Australia. I think was such a nice match today.

Q. Have you talked to your parents or sisters?

RENATA JAMRICHOVA: I talked to my dad, mom and sister on FaceTime after when I was waiting for anti-doping. They've been just so happy how I played and how I acted on the court, how I was happy there during the match also.

They were just so happy.

Q. Do they get nervous watching you play?

RENATA JAMRICHOVA: My mom, yeah, was very nervous. I think she's going to watch this match 20 more times to see me again.

Yeah, I think they were pretty happy.

Q. You were down 3-1 in the second set. Emerson really felt that you were playing at such a high level. You broke back immediately. Was that important in keeping it to two sets?

RENATA JAMRICHOVA: I just told myself it's good, I'm still playing good. It's still same game as first set. I've just been patient in the rallies when I got broke in the second set. I just broke right back. I think that was important in the second set that I got done in 3-All. It was like a new match again, yeah.

Q. The Champions Ball, will you be going to that?

RENATA JAMRICHOVA: Yeah, as I said, I hope I can get in to that, yeah. It would be amazing.

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