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July 14, 2024

Jan Zielinski

Hsieh Su-Wei

Wimbledon, London, UK

Press Conference


6-4, 6-2

THE MODERATOR: Mixed doubles Wimbledon champions to add to your Australian Open title. How are you feeling?

HSIEH SU-WEI: It's great to be back again in the Centre Court. Of course, thanks to Jan to bring us back to this amazing court again.

THE MODERATOR: Jan, how are you feeling?

JAN ZIELINSKI: I'm feeling amazing. It's a privilege to, like I said in interview on the court, to be on the court and even bigger privilege to win on the court. Su-Wei has done it a couple of times before in the past. Her experience helped us to get back on Centre Court after the second round, get through some tough matches. And I couldn't be more proud of us and how we fought and how we cooperated together.

So thank you so much for playing together. Yeah, it's a pretty good partnership we're having so far.

THE MODERATOR: Questions, please.

Q. Just to say, the partnership is going to be something that you intend to continue because it's still relatively new.

JAN ZIELINSKI: Yeah, we'll see. We'll see in the upcoming weeks how we feel, how we feel before the US Open and we decide probably in the days before the signing if we decide to play or not, depending on how we feel physically and how we want to approach the tournament.

Q. Maybe we will be seeing you again in a year's time defending the Wimbledon title, getting back together again?

HSIEH SU-WEI: Maybe, yes. Always happy to come back.

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