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July 14, 2024

Sergio Garcia

Sotogrande, Spain

Real Club Valderrama

TV Quotes

Q. You've had so many close calls, but to win in Spain on your favorite course, is this one of the highlights of your career?

SERGIO GARCÍA: Without a doubt. Not only that, but also Carlos winning. Alcaraz won today. Hopefully Spain wins tonight. It would be an unbelievable weekend.

Actually I was talking to my wife, my manager, and I was like, shooting 5-under and I'll see what happens. But played well, played well in the playoff. It's just a tough hole. But so happy.

Q. How much energy did you get from this crowd. Were they your 15th club?

SERGIO GARCÍA: Oh, without a doubt. 15th, 16th and 17th. It was unbelievable the whole week. To have my kids here and my wife and my parents and everything, it's a dream come true.

Q. How much of an influence has your dad been on your entire life and your career?

SERGIO GARCÍA: He's been everything. He's the one that helped me out with my game. He's been around. Unfortunately he doesn't travel as much anymore. They've gotten a little bit older. But I'm so happy that they were here to watch it. It was (indiscernible) today. It was awesome.

Q. You still have a strong desire to play in the majors. (On whether there should be a pathway for LIV players to the majors.)

SERGIO GARCÍA: That's not for me to say. I think that the majors have to make the decisions. I mean, I think that I've proved myself throughout my whole career, and playing 25 U.S. Opens in a row this year I think was a great achievement. Obviously the way I'm playing here at LIV, I think it speaks for itself. But I'm not making the decisions.

Q. Where are you going to be at 9:00 p.m. tonight?

SERGIO GARCÍA: On the couch watching the game.

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