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July 14, 2024

Adam Scott

North Berwick, Scotland

The Renaissance Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Not much you can do about that. You played extremely well today. Got a little tough on that back nine. Despite all that, I have to feel good about where your game is at.

ADAM SCOTT: There was a lot of good stuff for me this week. You know, it's hard to complain about anything. I mean, really, it's the first time I've been in contention this year. I like where my game is headed into the last week or so going into next week. Feel like I'm playing at a high level.

Q. What a valiant attempt. You have to be pleased, although disappointed with the way the game is going but just your thoughts on the day.

ADAM SCOTT: Yeah, it was an interesting day. Like sitting around all morning, I thought I was going to have to shoot like 8-under to have a chance and then it got quite tricky out there. I played mostly really good golf. I really like what happened with my game out there this week. I'm disappointed to not get a crack at the end. I had a chance with the putt on the last and went right and I read it straight.

And you know, pleased for Bob. This is a big win. I played with him yesterday, and you can hear them singing over there. I think that's awesome for him and hopefully I can take some good form into next week.

Q. Future look bright right now?

ADAM SCOTT: Yeah, I feel good, I really do. It's funny, it doesn't get any easier but I'm working at everything all the time, and trying not to get frustrated, and use that experience. It feels good to play in contention and hopefully I get another crack at it at The Open now.

Q. Closing 67. I know you came up one stretch short but what is it like to be back in contention in this particular situation?

ADAM SCOTT: It was great for me. I really felt good coming in here, between travel letters and this week, find something stuff with my game. Nice to see they weren't fan tomorrow feelings, and I was playing better than I have all year and really for quite a while. Good to be in the mix. A shame to come up short but Bob did what he had to do to win. Eagle, par, birdie, that's great stuff.

Q. Coming down the stretch, you made some really important birdies. How aware were you with the situation with Bob coming down the stretch?

ADAM SCOTT: I just knew I was kind of in front after 14. And then bogeyed 15. I knew I had to at least birdie 16, and then I was trying to find one there at the last. I had quite a tricky putt to read. It was kind of down the spine, and I read it to go straight. I was like straight down the spine but it went right a little bit.

You know, it was fun to have one that mattered, actually. So I'm excited to take some comfort inside of this and heading into a major next week on form. Because it's been a while since I can say I've done that.

Q. How do you carry the momentum forward?

ADAM SCOTT: Yeah, I think I just go, keep doing the same things I've been doing. It was great to kind of put to the test a couple of the changes that I've made in the last couple weeks out there today. It wasn't all perfect. But it was nice to see that some of it was working nicely. I know if I find myself with the heat on next week, hopefully I can lean into this good stuff that's happening.

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