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July 14, 2024

Stephanie Kyriacou

Evian-les-Bains, France

Evian Resort Golf Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Here with Steph after her final round at the Evian Championship. Just talk briefly about the week you had out there today.

STEPHANIE KYRIACOU: Yeah, it was a good week. Lots of positives to take away. I played great all week.

Yeah, I don't know, it was a good week. Sucks not to hold the trophy. If you told me I would come second at the start of the week I would've been happy.

Q. With this finish, what kind of confidence does this give you just seeing this kind of golf you're playing?

STEPHANIE KYRIACOU: Yeah, lots of confidence. Obviously a lot of stuff worked well for me this week, so just trying to keep the same mindset going forward and hopefully I can win.

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