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July 13, 2024

Annika Sorenstam

Lake Tahoe, Nevada, USA

Edgewood Tahoe

Quick Quotes

Q. Today was kind of a grind of a day.


Q. Assess the round. Kind of up-and-down but you finished strong today.

ANNIKA SORENSTAM: I did, I was glad I made those last few putts. They make such a difference. But I rolled it really well there in the middle of the round, made some nice putts on both 7 and 8 and 10, and it was kind of nice. Then I had a little lull over there with a bad chip thing and some errant shots. You know me, I don't give up. I keep grinding. You never know. Feels good to make birdie on the last.

Q. Assess your first couple of days.

ANNIKA SORENSTAM: It's okay. I hit some good shots and I hit just some terrible shots. I tried to work through that yesterday and still have a tendency to hit some similar shots. But glad I was able to scramble because at the end of the day I've had runs where I hit it really well and get it done. And I would say I get it done without really hitting it my best. You've got to take the good out of it then.

Q. What are some of the things you're going to work on for heading into tomorrow?

ANNIKA SORENSTAM: I need to hit more greens and try to hit it closer. I don't have opportunities as much as I would like. The par-5 is just eating me up. I'm trying to be aggressive but it's hurting me more than maybe playing more strategically like I did on 4 today, play to your strength.

I made birdies, and the other ones I'm trying to be aggressive because everybody is so aggressive and they hit so far. And you try to keep on that train and it's just not for me.

Q. This is always a family affair for you guys because this is your summer residence. Mike's on the bag. You've got the kids with you. How joyful is it to have a whole family experience?

ANNIKA SORENSTAM: That's what this tournament is all about. American Century, they do such a good job in making it a family event. Of course, we're all competitive. And you can see that watching the leaderboards. These are great athletes, and they're good players.

So it's fun to have that competition and challenge, but once we're finished, we're outside the ropes, we can enjoy the party atmosphere and the friendly and the hospitality and I think that's what makes this environment so unique.

Q. You've got the No. 49 on the back of your hat. You played with Tim earlier in year. You and Mike got to know him. So talk about the memories of him here and kind of the void and kind of what the tournament's doing to honor Tim and Stacy this week.

ANNIKA SORENSTAM: First of all, they were such a big part of this tournament, both Tim and Stacy. This is how we got to know them, through this event, and through the other celebrity events and built up a great friendship.

Tim, he wanted to know so much about the game. We bonded several times, and I just -- what they're doing to celebrate them, it's obviously very appropriate, and I'm glad they're doing it. I wish he was here and Stacy, because it was 12 months ago I was just talking to them around the corner.

It's so hard to believe, right? It's so hard to believe, and it put things in perspective. But glad we continue to talk about them and make sure they're part of the family.

Q. Jimmy Fallon and DJ Khaled are on the range right now practicing. It will be an interesting afternoon. I believe you're going to go over there and see them in a little bit. Who do you think is going to win?

ANNIKA SORENSTAM: I don't really know their games. When you think of this tournament and you think of people meeting from all the different industries and golf is the common bond, and that's what I like. They come here. They're all grinding. They want to do well. That's what I like, and we'll see. I'm sure it's going to be quite the show, but hopefully we see some good golf, too.

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