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July 13, 2024

Ludvig Aberg

North Berwick, Scotland

The Renaissance Club

Quick Quotes

LUDVIG Ã…BERG: Not the most stress-free golf but it was again a good score, but I'm pleased with the way I hung in there and finished it out.

Q. How good par saves at 8 and 9, and a couple of bogeys early on the back nine. How important was the birdie at 13 to get the momentum back?

LUDVIG Ã…BERG: Yeah, I think so. I was just happy to have it on 13. Felt like I was swinging well and hitting the putts the way I wanted to and tried to read them.

Then obviously when a putt like that goes in on 13, it gives you a little bit of an extra boost I guess.

It doesn't change anything. We just tried to hit the best shot the best we can and take it from there.

Q. How aware were you of guys charging through? Because there were a lot of players going low early doors.

LUDVIG Ã…BERG: Yeah, absolutely. I like looking at leaderboards. I think it's important to know where you're standing, and I did that today, and I saw some really good scores early on.

Yeah, it makes you hungry and it makes you stay on the front foot and be aggressive, and felt like I did that well today.

Q. How exciting for the opportunity to win a marquee championship on this Scottish links course tomorrow?

LUDVIG Ã…BERG: Yeah, absolutely. Looking forward to it a lot. It will be fun. Looks like I'm playing with Bob as well, so it will be a cool pairing and looking forward to it.

Q. I know you're a leaderboard watcher. Did you know that you were two shots behind and what you needed to do coming in? You performed so brilliantly, starting with the one putt at 15 and then birdies at 16 and 17. Really well-played.

LUDVIG Ã…BERG: Yeah, thank you. I felt like I was playing well. I was hitting the shots that I wanted to, and then obviously made bogey on 11 and 12 but those things are going to happen when you play a 72-hole golf tournament. You can't be perfect all the time.

I felt like I handled those things well and made some nice par saves and played some good golf coming in as well.

Q. How big was the par save at 15?

LUDVIG Ã…BERG: Yeah, obviously any time you are out of position you're just trying to make four, and that's what we did so well.

Felt like I made a few really good par saves, so whether or not that was on 15 or 8 or 9, I felt like there was a few of them today. That was nice.

Q. A chance to win your second PGA TOUR and you extended your lead. Thoughts going into the final round?

LUDVIG Ã…BERG: Yeah, definitely excited. It's fun to have an opportunity to win a golf tournament especially at a classic place here in Scotland and looking forward to it.

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