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July 13, 2024

Ingrid Lindblad

Evian-les-Bains, France

Evian Resort Golf Club

Quick Quotes

Q. So a little but about the round. A little bit up and down.

INGRID LINDBLAD: Yeah. It was a little bit more of a grind again. Managed to come in at even par which, you know, was out a little bit than I thought.

Made some up and downs and then a little back and forth, birdies, bogeys, par. Even par, I feel like that was a decent score for me today. I was a little bit more off than this morning.

Q. The fact that we talked this morning, long day.

INGRID LINDBLAD: Yeah, it was a long day. Yeah, for sure. Like I think the back nine today, I haven't missed that many fairways this whole week. Still made 2-over on the back. Made a good -- missed a fairway on 15 and made a good birdie from there.

Just take the positives with me.

Q. And then the last thing is first major as a professional.


Q. This is a big learning week, no?

INGRID LINDBLAD: Yeah, and I've just tried to not think too much about the scores and just one shot at a time and if you get out of position try to get back into the game.

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