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July 13, 2024

Tommy Fleetwood

North Berwick, Scotland

The Renaissance Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Tough finish to what was otherwise an impeccable round of golf. What are your emotions at the moment?

TOMMY FLEETWOOD: Yeah, disappointed, frustrated. I think -- it's funny, really, if I had parred the last I would have felt the same, just not as extreme. Playing great. Last two days was gifting shots away to the course which you can't really do. Yeah, just there's so many good things.

But yeah, it's just frustrating when the ideal scenario is you score better than you've played. I'm scoring much worse than I'm playing. So I have to sort that out.

Q. When you come off the course and sometimes you've got something, like a miss to the right that you can work on and change, with what you just described there, what do you do different tomorrow to try and help that?

TOMMY FLEETWOOD: Just keep working. I don't know, I generally seem to struggle on these greens. I find them so hard to read. And yeah, just not really let it affect everything else, really. Keep working hard on it. The round was so close to being -- after the start, so close to getting like a load of momentum and then having an amazing day.

So yeah, just working and yeah, not letting it affect anything else because keep giving myself the opportunity to have those great days, and like I say, I'm playing some really good stuff.

Yeah, get on the putting green and continue to work and hopefully it changes tomorrow.

Q. Before we let you go, players are marking on the board who they think is going to win the Euros and you're always a fan favourite, but do you think England will get it done?

TOMMY FLEETWOOD: I didn't mark it but I felt they were going to win it the whole time. 60 seconds to go, I still thought we were going to win the whole thing. I always have faith and I still do now, really.

Q. One of the most positive attitudes in all of sport.

TOMMY FLEETWOOD: More positive than about my game actually right now.

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