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July 13, 2024

Ingrid Lindblad

Evian-les-Bains, France

Evian Resort Golf Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Here with Ingrid after the completion of the second round. Talk about your second round as a whole.

INGRID LINDBLAD: It was a little bit more of a grind. I made one easy putt for bogey on a hole and then decent putt for par on 9.

So it was more of a grind. It wasn't really as close to the pin, but lag putting was fine. Then just tried to keep ball in play. Hitting the rough on 18 so I couldn't go for it on 18, but still made a good par.

Just overall decent.

Q. And after our two rounds of this course what have you learned? Near the top the leaderboard; playing well. Just talk about this course and what you learned.

INGRID LINDBLAD: I think you have to trust a lot. There are a lot of tee shots where you kind of have to -- at least this morning it was probably a little bit softer than yesterday -- but just trust the line off the tee and make sure it's landing in the spot you want to land the ball in.

And then same into the greens. Like if you have a lie where the ball is above your feet or below your feet, trust it's going to go that way and trust -- even aim left of the green if it's going to come right.

So a lot of that. I feel like I've trust that had more and more during the week.

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