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July 12, 2024

Jon Rahm

Eugenio Chacarra

Sotogrande, Spain

Real Club Valderrama

Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: We have Eugenio Chacarra, Fireballs GC and Captain Jon Rahm, Legion XIII. You guys are sitting at 3-under in third place, Eugenio, and Mr. Rahm, you are currently sitting at T-16, 2-over. There was only seven guys who shot under par today. You guys tell us each a little bit about your round.

EUGENIO CHACARRA: Yeah, it was solid all around. I feel like it was playing really tough with the wind, the greens, the gust and everything. I think I did a great job and tried to play as smart as I could. Played solid. I hit the ball great from the tee and it just was an overall good day.

JON RAHM: I felt like I played good golf. Hit it really good and a lot of good shots. I feel like I personally maybe made one mistake. It was on 13. First putt, I just completely misjudged it and three-putted. Not best strokes. Just a bad read. Besides that I played really good golf. It was a couple unfortunate bounces, right, even that wedge out on 13 with how firm the greens were, just completely didn't go anywhere, and the situation on 12.

Yeah, my third shot on 7, the third shot on 17, you get gusted like that, there's nothing you can do. I feel like I played really good. The scores on this golf course a lot of times is worse than it feels like. Hopefully tomorrow I can roll a few putts early and shoot a round like what Eugenio shot today because that's certainly a good round.

THE MODERATOR: Your first time playing out here with LIV. Can you tell us about that experience today and what that felt like and being home?

JON RAHM: I feel like when it's this windy, this golf course is so difficult that it's equally stressful no matter when or where you're playing it. It's always fun to be back home and be with the home crowd. It's always a joy to have this many people supporting me all day. It's so much fun.

Just too bad I couldn't finish it a little bit better for them. I wanted that last putt to go in so bad. It was a really good putt.

Overall my feeling should be positive and hopefully I can keep doing good. It's not over. I know I'm seven back but this golf course has some teeth and if I can shoot a low one tomorrow, put myself in position, it will be a fun Sunday.

THE MODERATOR: How special is it for you to be playing so well out here in Spain in front of your friends and family? What does that feel like?

EUGENIO CHACARRA: Yeah, obviously it's fun. Like I said the day before, doesn't matter where you're playing. We are trying to do our best. It's more fun that I'm healthy and playing good again. I'm not hurt. I can finishing 18 holes and be fine and feel fine.

I'm just enjoying golf again. Obviously the score was great. I'm playing in my home country. That's what I dreamed of since I was little, with one of the best players in the world. I've always looked up to him since I was little, in college golf, amateur golf. It's just very special.

Q. Sergio was telling us about a conversation you guys had about how difficult it is today, and he said that it could actually be more difficult. That seemed to surprise you a little bit.

JON RAHM: We were walking down the 4th tee and he says, "Oh, the golf course is showing some teeth today."

I think my reaction is, "Some teeth? I think it's more than that."

Can it be more difficult? Yes, everything can be more difficult. But I think it's obviously up there with how hard it can get. Obviously when you play as many rounds as he's played here, it's his 17th start, I believe, and if I'm not mistaken, I think he used to practise here quite a bit earlier in his career, right. So he's seen it all. Yeah, can it get harder? But not a lot harder obviously. Today was a pretty hard today.

Q. You talked about how you were trending. Given the conditions today, how proud are you of this round particularly with the way you've been playing?

EUGENIO CHACARRA: Yeah, like I said, my goal for today was to play smart golf. I know my game is there. I'm hitting it good. I'm playing good and it's just commit to the shots and trust it. I hit a lot of good shots that then turned out to not be that good but that's what's Valderrama is about.

Just keeping a positive state of mind. I feel like I never quitted and I had some momentum -- just not be happy or start lose my mind and I decided to put it back and move forward. I think that was huge. I think my caddie is a great job talking to me, calmed me down and just we had a lot of fun out there and hopefully we can do the same thing tomorrow.

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