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July 12, 2024

Adam Scott

North Berwick, Scotland

The Renaissance Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Six birdies and a 67 yesterday, seven birdies and a 65 today. Tell us about your play.

ADAM SCOTT: I actually played really well yesterday and kind of dropped a couple coming in, a couple loose ones. That was disappointing. I didn't play well today but somehow I still managed to make some birdies. So putter must have been performing quite nicely but we've had ideal conditions.

So although pins were a bit more tucked today, it was a good day for the putter to roll a few in and I'm hanging in there.

Q. I was hearing about a driver off the deck to 10. Describe that.

ADAM SCOTT: I don't actually know the number to the pin because it kind of goes a long way, and I knew 3-wood wasn't going to get there and if I hit 3-wood short, it's a tough spot to get a good pitch angle from. So I thought I may as well go for it.

Fortune favoured me on that one and flushed it. Had a nice flight. Looked good. It's that one swing that brings you back tomorrow.

Q. 92 consecutive majors, quite remarkable, off to The Open next week. Do you still have the same enthusiasm and look forward to it the same way you always have?

ADAM SCOTT: The majors? Absolutely. It's really the motivating factor for me to keep my game at a high level. You know, the odds are starting to get in my favor of winning another one. If I keep ranking them up, I'll get another one. I'm excited for The Open next week. I felt like my game was in good shape yesterday. I have to fix it up this weekend and head into next week with a bit of confidence.

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