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July 12, 2024

Narin An

Evian-les-Bains, France

Evian Resort Golf Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Talk a little bit about how you played out there today. Several birdies on the scorecard.

NARIN AN: I think my shot was really good today so I made good birdies out there. Yeah.

Q. Was it something with your irons, driver? Did you feel like you were just hitting a lot of greens and fairways?

NARIN AN: Yeah, I think so. Except few holes. Then, yeah, I hit good shots.

Q. And talk a little bit about this course, what you like about this course. Anything about it when you see it kind of you like.

NARIN AN: Yeah, I like it. It's really pretty course and then, yeah, today we are lucky. I mean, we can finish today, so, yeah. I like it.

Q. And what have you enjoyed most about being here in France this week?

NARIN AN: I think I can try the pasta and pizza a lot here.

Q. Yes, the food is amazing.

NARIN AN: Yeah, really good.

Q. Talk about your major championship preparation, what you were focused on before getting here.

NARIN AN: The other one same, I mean, have to hit fairway and greens a lot because rough is so difficult out here. So, yeah, that's good point.

Q. And did you work with any of your coaches heading into this week?

NARIN AN: Yeah, I did. I had a problem with the shots, so I fixed it.

Q. Was there a certain miss?


Q. Left or right or...

NARIN AN: Both way.

Q. That's never fun.


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