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July 12, 2024

Celine Boutier

Evian-les-Bains, France

Evian Resort Golf Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Nice way to start your title defense here. Just evaluate your last couple rounds and how you're feeling.

CELINE BOUTIER: Feeling good. I feel like my game has been very solid the last two days. I definitely feel like my long game has been kind of carrying me, and I feel like I could have shot a few strokes lower yesterday and today so that's pretty positive.

Because I can improve. I think just a few putts here and there and we'll be in good position.

Q. What have you been seeing in your game that's been working so well the last couple rounds to get off to a solid start and have some freedom to go low over the weekend?

CELINE BOUTIER: I think I had a decent amount of birdie chances, which is not always easy here, especially with the rough. It's definitely cost me a few points yesterday. But thankfully I had quite a few shots from the fairway, and so I feel like that help me out quite a bit.

Q. Walking around here, is it still pretty fresh in your mind where you were at this time last year?

CELINE BOUTIER: Definitely maybe the first few practice rounds just because it was my first time playing and seeing the course again.

But ever since the tournament started, maybe after a few holes, I kind of focus on my game and what I had to do. It's a pretty big challenge.

Q. And then next two rounds, what's the mindset?

CELINE BOUTIER: Try to probably do the same and maybe have a few more birdies, rolling few more putts. That would be helpful.

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