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July 12, 2024

Sahith Theegala

North Berwick, Scotland

The Renaissance Club

Quick Quotes

Q. What was working so well for you today?

SAHITH THEEGALA: Yeah, I putted it really nicely today. I think that's one of the strengths of my game, and in the last couple months, it's just been a little off. Game is still really good.

It was nice to see a couple go in early yesterday and found something with my stroke over the practice round days which was nice.

So yeah, just made a lot of really nice putts. Didn't hit anything super close but I really enjoy links golf. Just have to plot your way around, and I feel like that's kind of the strength of my game. I don't really necessarily sack a lot of shots or hit the crazy shot. I just put it in the right places, but yeah, it was a really nice round today.

Q. Tough when you're struggling with putting and you come over here, greens are a touch slower than you're used to. What did you work on this week that maybe helped today?

SAHITH THEEGALA: Funny enough, I putted really well over here. I haven't necessarily played well but I've putted really well. Grew up in bent in California on public golf courses and on surfaces that are not rolling the truest or very fast; so I grew up on that.

These are a lot purer than even those. They are still running really nicely. Especially for the type of grass, you see the greens and there's a lot different types of grasses and weeds but they still roll really nice.

It's nice to know that if you hit your line you're still going to make your putts, and you just have to give it a little more speed, which is kind of what my stroke -- I've always had a long back stroke and give it enough speed and always been a pretty aggressive putter. It's bit me in the last few months on really fast bermuda greens which I'm getting more and more used to. But I'm getting used to these greens honestly.

Q. You were talking off-camera, you have had not had the true Scottish experience with the weather playing links over here. How gettable was it today?

SAHITH THEEGALA: It was really eerie the last two days, it has not blown more than ten miles per hour, and it's 65 degrees. I've taken my jacket off in the first five holes of the round, which I can do a full seven-day trip out here and not take it off one time. So been really lucky with the weather, and you know, without a little bit of weather, the golf course doesn't show too much teeth.

It's a tough golf course. Obviously the winning scores the last few years is not very low, or it's pretty high. Can't expect four days of perfect weather. So I'm just going to assume the next couple days are not going to be as good as the last two.

But yeah it was just a perfect day. Felt like a California day. I wouldn't be surprised if someone went really, really low today.

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