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July 11, 2024

Gaby Lopez

Evian-les-Bains, France

Evian Resort Golf Club

Quick Quotes

GABY LOPEZ: Yeah, today was an amazing run of golf. Very proud how I faced adversity. Made a couple dumb mistakes out there on the putting green. There are a lot of like foot marks.

Yeah, I faced them pretty good. I hit unbelievable shots to the green. I think I hit a couple tap-in birdies and that really helped for the momentum and just kind of stress-free round.

Q. Can you take us through like the eagle on 18?

GABY LOPEZ: Yeah, no, I hit a perfect draw off the tee on No. 18, and then I hit a 6-iron to maybe 27 feet; a little bit downhill right to left, and just went in with perfect speed.

I had another eagle chance on 7; about eight feet away and missed it a little low.

On No. 9 I had another eagle chance about 30 feet away and I made birdie.

So really happy having some easy birdies out there. There is a lot of golf left. A lot of stuff going on through the weekend, so I'm just going to stay patient. I'm going to be kind to Gaby, be aggressive when I can, and just going to enjoy my golf, because I feel I'm prepared for this challenge.

Q. So not the first time you're in contention at this event. What is it about the Evian?

GABY LOPEZ: I don't know, I think I learned to get my way around this golf course. I've learned to play way more with lies and I'm really being focused on start line and finish line.

Just very committed to my shots. I'm not letting any uncommitted shots out there. Very, very proud for the process that we're doing and our routines.

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