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July 11, 2024

Jodi Ewart Shadoff

Evian-les-Bains, France

Evian Resort Golf Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Here with Jodi after her hole-in-one. Can you just talk about the reaction and hitting it in and what it looked like?

JODI EWART SHADOFF: Yeah, I struck it really nicely. It was a little right of the pin so I knew it needed the left bounce off that slope. It was going straight at the hole and I was like, oh, man, this is a chance.

My caddie was like, get the putt. It's funny.

Q. Like we were just talking about last year you also had a hole-in-one, but again this year they're donating money to St. Jude. What was the reaction? I know it happened before but doing it again?

JODI EWART SHADOFF: Yeah, obviously to do something like that for such a great cause, it's just a great bonus.

Yeah, it's really good thing, so, yeah.

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