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July 11, 2024

Tommy Fleetwood

North Berwick, Scotland

The Renaissance Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Opened your account with a 5-under par 65. What pleased you most about your play today?

TOMMY FLEETWOOD: I played very, very good. I think we had lovely conditions. Like almost really perfect amount of breeze to use when you wanted it.

Yeah, I gave myself a lot of chances. Holed out really well. As always, you would like to hole one more especially when you're hitting it beautiful. It was great to have Fino back and lovely way to start a tournament.

Q. You've been away from him for a while, your great mate and fantastic caddie. How great to be alongside him today?

TOMMY FLEETWOOD: Yeah, it feels great. It feels nice to have had a really good round in his first week, for him more than anything. It's been great. Felt so normal. We did a great job. Everything sort of flowed, really, today. He made a couple of great decisions, so it's not like he's been away.

Q. You've been caddying yourself on The Challenge Tour. The only amateur to do so. You said the experience might make you a better player. Why?

TOMMY FLEETWOOD: Well, I definitely felt like because I wasn't hitting the shot, I have no feelings towards any golf shot. So when you're caddying, you see what is the right golf shot probably or you give your opinion or you see things very clear for what they are. Because it's not like I'm worried about hitting it left, right, long, short, whatever it is, so you say whatever it is.

I did enjoy that part. I think the way I spoke to Oscar, I would love to speak to myself like that a lot more often, and yeah, I kind of realised sort of how hard caddying can be at times but I don't really want to tell people.

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