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July 11, 2024

Haotong Li

North Berwick, Scotland

The Renaissance Club

Quick Quotes

Q. 1-under through two holes and then you end up finishing 6-under for the day. What felt better coming down the stretch after that start?

HAOTONG LI: Yeah, just kind of off the fairway a little bit on 2 and make a soft bogey there. Accept that, and last tee shot, whole day, most of them are pretty close to the pin. So creating a lot of birdie chances.

Q. You look at the record the last few weeks, probably not playing the golf you wanted to. What was different today?

HAOTONG LI: I think off the tee been really solid, even the last few weeks wasn't that great, but just putting and chipping being put together.

Q. It's a different style of golf. Does it bring out a better side of your game?

HAOTONG LI: Yeah, I think everyone is saying it's different, quite firm. I've been here for six years, so I have some experience.

Q. That's a really nicely played round of golf. Obviously you feel comfortable out here.

HAOTONG LI: Oh, yeah. This is my fifth year being here. So I know the place quite well.

Q. You are so well travelled, from China throughout the United States, throughout Europe and now you're making your home on the DP World Tour.

HAOTONG LI: It's been a few years here and quite used to it.

Q. What was working for you today? Any hole that turned it around for you?

HAOTONG LI: Yeah, my second hole was a little bit soft bogey off the fairway a little bit. I got a bad lie, and same as last hole as well, but most of the day, hit really close to the pin. So creating a lot of chances.

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