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July 11, 2024

Ugo Coussard

North Berwick, Scotland

The Renaissance Club

Quick Quotes

Q. Fabulous round of 5-under par 65 which included six birdies and an eagle. What did you do particularly well today?

UGO COUSSARD: I had a very good putting round, especially at the start of the game. It's easier when you make like eight, ten metres and at some point I just have my swing quite well and I have a good, solid back nine. Putting was good to me today.

Q. This is a Rolex Series Event, a co-sanctioned event with the PGA TOUR, so a superstar studded field our on the range with. Does it feel different from the moment you arrive?

UGO COUSSARD: Yeah, it's funny to see the guys, I never play with them but we are all trying to play the same golf course and having fun.

Q. Some feel comfortable in this environment straightaway and others take a while to think they really belong. What good about you?

UGO COUSSARD: I don't know if I belong with them but I'm trying to being one of them. So I'm just working and we'll see during the weeks what happens.

Q. Did you feel comfortable on the course straightaway?

UGO COUSSARD: Yeah, I liked it. I played the links game in the qualifier for The Open last week to get a feeling for the fairway and stuff. I like the course, everything is fine. Just a nice place to be.

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