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July 11, 2024

Davis Thompson

North Berwick, Scotland

The Renaissance Club

Quick Quotes

DAVIS THOMPSON: It was an early morning but got off to a good start. Just kind of cruising on the front nine and then made some putts on my back nine and posted a good score today.

Q. Any emotional letdown? Were you able to celebrate on Sunday night? You had to catch a flight over here, time zone changes, different kind of golf courses. How were you able to keep everything under control and shoot such a sparkling opening round?

DAVIS THOMPSON: I think just having to get back and prepare for another event kind of took me off the emotional high. I will celebrate when I get home with friends and family. But these next two weeks, I'm just trying to finish out this stretch strong, and then head home.

Q. How have you found the change in golf courses? I wouldn't term it a 'links golf course' but different from what you play week-in and week-out in the United States?

DAVIS THOMPSON: It's different. I feel like this is a nice, gradual course to bring me into links golf, and then next week will be a full-on links course. It's kind of Americanised a little bit but you still have some links aspects to it.

Q. Any holes that are particularly birdieable or get your attention?

DAVIS THOMPSON: If you take advantage of the par 5s, and there are a few par 4s where you'll have wedges in, I feel like you can take advantage of those and you can shoot a low score.

Q. What is your experience in links golf?

DAVIS THOMPSON: I really don't have a lot. I've played Bandon Dunes over in the States but this is my first time in Scotland, and yeah, not a lot of experience.

Q. The one thing that stood out when you told me that is I think you had eight 3-putts today. That's always one of the keys of playing links golf. Was there an immediate comfort level?

DAVIS THOMPSON: I think so. I feel like this course has some American aspects to it, and as well as some links stuff. If you avoid the pot bunkers and hit a lot of greens, you're going to get some looks. Try to take advantage of the par 5s.

Q. What's the celebration been like after winning the John Deere Classic?

DAVIS THOMPSON: There really hasn't been celebration. I've just been trying to prepare for this week. I'll do the same next week and when I get home, I'll definitely reflect and celebrate. But just trying to finish out this four-week stretch strong.

Q. This being your first experience in links golf, is there a particular part of your game you want to work on going into next week?

DAVIS THOMPSON: Lag putting and hitting a lot of putts up and over slopes. I feel like if you're not in the right quadrant of the green or off the green, you're more than likely going to be pulling. Yeah, I mean, just trying to dial in my lag putting.

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