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July 10, 2024

Kipp Popert

Newton, Kansas, USA

Sand Creek Station

Press Conference

THE MODERATOR: We're here with Kipp Popert, our 2024 U.S. Adaptive Open men's overall champion for the second time in a row. How does that sound, Kipp?

KIPP POPERT: Awesome. I was looking at the medal on my neck and I can't wait to get it back home with the other one.

Q. Wasn't as easy today as the first two rounds. How were you able to scrap it around out there and come out on top?

KIPP POPERT: Yeah, I actually probably played as good as the other rounds. I think just didn't maybe hit it as close as I wanted. But I knew I had a handful-shot lead, so wasn't maybe being as aggressive.

Yeah, had some fun down hole 10 where I made a good double. I actually was really pleased with that double.

Q. Your name will be in the USGA Hall of Champions for the second time? What's that mean, just to be alongside all of the game's great?

KIPP POPERT: Yeah, when I'm 70 years old with a bottle of wine, I'm hoping and working towards being recognized as a great of the game, so I've got a lot more to achieve.

Q. Looking back on this week in a couple months' time, what will you remember most about this triumph?

KIPP POPERT: My dad wasn't meant to be here. Well, he was but then he changed his flights and he eventually came. He's never really come to an event, and the first two rounds where I had the really good rounds, he was spotting and being out there.

I had to speak to him today, like just don't stand behind the line of the flag, and he didn't today and I shot worse, so maybe he does need to stand behind the flag.

Yeah, I think just having him here, sharing the house that we spoke about in the week with my mates, this is definitely the highlight of my year. It's the best event I play all year.

Really thankful to you guys for hosting it.

Q. You and the boys were keeping it pretty tame this week. How are you going to celebrate tonight?

KIPP POPERT: Oh, yeah, it won't be very tame at all.

Q. You and Brendan had a pretty good embrace when you hit your approach shots and walking up 18. What was that like? What did you say to each other? What was that like, the scene with everybody cheering you guys up to the green?

KIPP POPERT: You know, Brendan has been doing this longer than I have, and we both appreciate each other how hard we worked to grow the game and improve our golf. But I think we envision a tournament that will one day have future players who wanted to play this at 10 years old participating and that wasn't around for us.

We want to make this as big as we can. Eventually one day hopefully have prize money so children can grow up to want to be disabled sports people. I think that's awesome for the community.

If there are any kids watching this, just work really hard and it'll be your trophy one day.

Q. Do you think it's harder to win a championship for the first time or is it harder to defend the title now that you've successfully done both?

KIPP POPERT: I think it was tough the first time. It wasn't that -- I've always had the self-belief even before the trophies. That was engrained in me when I was in hospital rooms visualizing what it would be like to win because I couldn't practice.

So I think for me, I would say just winning is -- I guess people consider it hard. I consider it fun. I enjoy all of the pressure. As I say, I made double down 10 but I was like, all right, let's go show them we're still win this thing despite a little trip. Yeah, very proud of myself.

THE MODERATOR: Great playing, Kipp. Congratulations.

KIPP POPERT: Thank you.

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