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July 10, 2024

Brendan Lawlor

Newton, Kansas, USA

Sand Creek Station

Quick Quotes

Q. Brendan, so this is your debut at the U.S. Adaptive Open. What are some of your takeaways from the week?

BRENDAN LAWLOR: Yeah, such a good week. The hospitality, the people, the course itself was incredible.

I've extremely enjoyed every minute of it. Playing some really good golf. Usually if I shoot 9-under in a tournament it's not too far away. Kipp just blew the field away this year. He was unreal. I am really excited to come back next year.

Q. Here in the first year you have won the short stature impairment category. What does that mean to you?

BRENDAN LAWLOR: Yeah, I'm delighted. Obviously I want to win the main one. That's my main goal. I think the categories are fantastic. It gives a lot of people a chance to win their own thing. Yeah, just hope the game keeps growing and moving forward the way it's going.

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