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July 10, 2024

Chris Willis

Newton, Kansas, USA

Sand Creek Station

Quick Quotes

Q. Chris, can you share some of your overall takeaways for the week?

CHRIS WILLIS: Well, it was a spectacular week. I really enjoyed how the different tees allowed for all the competitors to have similar irons into the green instead of just meeting in the middle of the fairway.

That made it more level playing field, and so we got to see a lot of great scores from all different levels.

Q. You're currently in position to win the upper arm impairment category. What would that mean to you?

CHRIS WILLIS: It means a great deal to win a category. That's what we're out here doing. We're playing the big event but we're also competing in our categories.

I know there are a lot great players in that category, so to come out on top is a very special thing for me.

Q. You had a fantastic back nine with eagle on 16 and birdie on 18. Can you talk us through those holes?

CHRIS WILLIS: Yeah. I had 190 into 16 and kind of going between a 5 and a 6. Decided to put a 6 back in the stance and I drew it in nicely.

And then had a little scuff on my ball, so I had to make sure I didn't put that on the ground and rolled straight in. I don't make many eagles so it was wonderful to see it go in.

On 18 I was in the rough and almost went in, about an inch away, so that was real fun. It was fun to have the crowd at the end cheering and clapping and letting me know it was a great show.

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