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July 9, 2024

Kipp Popert

Newton, Kansas, USA

Sand Creek Station

Quick Quotes

Q. Back with Kipp Poppert, our defending champion and leader through two rounds. Can us talk us through that round out there today. Another 66 and you're in the lead by a few strokes here.

KIPP POPERT: Yeah, played very solid. Short game was very good today. Didn't maybe hit as many greens as yesterday, but I pride myself on my short game, so it was good fun to have to need it.

Yeah, and then nice little stretch on 16, 17 again, and then, yeah just played very solid. Very happy, yeah.

Q. And you've been here before, just last year. Do you think that experience is going to help you tomorrow knowing you've done this before?

KIPP POPERT: Yeah, you know, having a handful of titles now, I love this. It's why I've practiced for so many years since I was three or four years old.

Yeah, I'm excited for tomorrow. I just -- yeah, I enjoy this more than anything.

Q. The last couple days I've seen a few kids come up to you and say, hey, Kipp, I'm a big fan; can I get an autograph? Is that new to you, and how awesome is it to see that you're a role model for so many kids out there?

KIPP POPERT: Yeah, I mean, I just try and be myself. I think I don't try and do anything different. It's awesome to see them.

For me the biggest thing is I used to have to Google what Lee Westwood's handicap was at 16 and then I would see after an operation, right, I'll try and get there by 19 or whatever.

I think in 40 years' times these kids are going to have role models of their disability. If I can help them feel more comfortable and more proud in themselves, I think that's all I try to do.

Q. You mentioned Lee there. Was he your main role model? Who else did you look up when you were coming up through the ranks?

KIPP POPERT: Not really golfers, to be honest. My club has quite a few business people there and I used to ask them what they did ahead of big meetings and stuff. I couldn't play golf a lot growing up because of operations, so in school I would almost go into -- I remember going into exams practicing being comfortable under the pressure and knowing that I hadn't played any tournaments, but knowing I would be able to use this experience in tournaments.

Q. What is it about the 16th hole this week? Couple eagles there. Hole just fit your eye? Hit a couple good shots.

KIPP POPERT: No idea. No idea. Yesterday was a much easier pin. Today Ben and I hit a really good club in there. I was like, I thought oh, that's looking good and then it took a hop and managed to stop.

I don't know. Just sometimes -- I don't know, you very rarely make the same score on a hole two days in a row. I just put it down to more it is what it is.

Q. You mentioned you won a lot of tournaments over the last year. You still find yourself getting nervous leading up to final rounds or throughout final rounds, or have you settled in enough to where it's still another round golf?

KIPP POPERT: Everyone gets nervous. I think of it more of just excitement, you know, it's what you worked towards so I enjoy it.

I got very lucky last year playing to the Ryder Cup up and chatted to Novak Djokovic, so I got a few techniques off him and that's been helpful. I'm just a sponge. I try and learn as best I can and do as best as I can and it's holding me in good stead.

Q. What's the plan for the night? You and the boys back on the grill or what are we doing?

KIPP POPERT: I have no idea. We have some cake left over. We had a few birthdays this week. Might have a slice of cake. Yeah, dad is the chef normally so see what he cooks up.

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