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July 8, 2024

Brendan Lawlor

Newton, Kansas, USA

Sand Creek Station

Quick Quotes

Q. So 3-under for the day. Can you talk us through your round be Brendan.

BRENDAN LAWLOR: Yeah, started off on the back nine today. Was 4-under after nine. Then got to 1 and was just losing a lot of shots left. I didn't play well on the back nine. I bogeyed one and I bogeyed 2; I birdied 5 to get back to 3-under for my round and then par'd in.

And if I could've brought what I brought to the front nine to the back nine, could have been special, but still in it. First day, so I'm happy.

Q. Do you think it was the course setup and the difference in the back nine versus the front nine, or was there something mental?

BRENDAN LAWLOR: Yeah, I lost a few left early on in the back nine and it just got in my head a wee bit. Then like on the second I hit one into the hazard; on 9 I hit one into the hazard. Made a really good par on 9 and then I bogeyed the second.

Happy enough with me day.

Q. You played with Chad who shot 4-under on the day.


Q. Did playing with him and having that kind of competition within your group, did that push you along?

BRENDAN LAWLOR: Yeah, 100%. And then Bailey shot 3-under as well, which is incredible shooting. All of us kind of gelled well together.

We're looking forward to teeing off again tomorrow together.

Q. Good. What will you do to reset and refocus?

BRENDAN LAWLOR: Going to go to the range now, try and lose that left shot. A lot of shots went left. Pretty much the same thing. I putted really good today. My game is in really good shape. You can't win it today but you can definitely lose it.

So I'm going to go out and try and shoot a number tomorrow and give myself a chance for last day.

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