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July 7, 2024

Alex Bowman

Chicago, Illinois

Frontstretch Quotes

An Interview with:

Q. What a dramatic way to end an 80-race winless streak, and what a perfect time to end an 80-race winless streak. The pressure off the 48 team, now officially a part of the 2024 playoffs, Alex Bowman. Of all the scenarios of a path to the playoffs, did you have a road course on wet weather tires on your bingo card?

ALEX BOWMAN: Man, I don't know. Anytime you go to the racetrack with Hendrick Motorsports, you've got a shot.

But first off, like we talked earlier, I have to apologize again to the 23 guys. Just messed up, trying to get my windshield wiper on, missed a corner and ruined their day. I hate that. I'm still embarrassed about it, but we have a trophy to take home, and know it means a lot to this team. They put me in position to win the race.

Man, I broke my back, had a brain injury, and we've kind of sucked ever since, and I didn't -- you start to second-guess if you're ever going to get a chance to win a race again.

Last one we won, we didn't really get to celebrate. We're going to drink so much damn bourbon tonight, it's going to be a bad deal. I'm probably going to wake up naked on the bathroom floor again. That's just part of this deal sometimes.

Just thanks to Ally and everybody at Hendrick Motorsports, everybody that makes this deal go round, Mr. H and Jeff, and shout-out to Chloe at home. She's at home with the pups. It's like the only race she's missed all year. I'm sure she's pissed off at me for that one, but she's sitting at home with Huck, and yeah, excited to get home. It's going to be a good night.

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