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July 7, 2024

Davis Thompson

Silvis, Illinois, USA

TPC Deere Run


Q. Davis, you're known as a player that doesn't show a whole lot of emotion. Until now. Where does that emotion come from?

DAVIS THOMPSON: Just seeing my wife. It just means a lot. I love her so much and so thankful she was able to make it.

Yeah, I mean, I just tried to stay present all day. When that putt finally went in, big sigh of relief.

Q. You are now a PGA TOUR winner in just your 63rd start. You told me yesterday, I have been doing so much work behind the scenes and now starting to see the results. How gratifying it is to see what all that hard work just did?

DAVIS THOMPSON: Yeah, it's great. Yeah, like you said, I've been working hard this year. It was okay for a while then I kind of got going this last month and played well last week.

Just tried to keep it rolling this week; was able to get the win.

Q. Holly Grace also told me that you told her before this week, I'm going to qualify into The Open Championship. She said, he did it. I don't think it's actually that easy. How important was it for you to accomplish that mission and now continue on for the rest of the season?

DAVIS THOMPSON: Yeah, qualifying for The Open was just an added incentive into this. You know, the goal was to win the golf tournament after getting here this week, and then, yeah, got off to a great start and was able to finish it off.

Q. The lore of the trophy house continues for the third year in a row. Are you going to give up the house next year or will we see you right back here?

DAVIS THOMPSON: No, definitely not. I think I have to pay for the whole house now, which is unfortunate, but I'll gladly write the check for that.

FastScripts Transcript by ASAP Sports

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