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July 7, 2024

Davis Thompson

Silvis, Illinois, USA

TPC Deere Run

Quick Quotes

Q. Davis, incredible performance. Playing good enough golf felt like over the last couple weeks to win a golf tournament; now you've done it on the PGA TOUR. Has it sunk in at all?

DAVIS THOMPSON: I guess a little bit. Yeah, I'm kind of just thankful it worked out. I got off to a great start today and was able to just kind of cruise on the back nine.

Yeah, getting off to a good start was crucial, and I was just able to ride the momentum coming in.

Q. What was the moment that settled you the most into this round early? Making a 40-footer on the first green was nice. Was there a moment on the front nine where you were like, wow, I'm into this, and now let's just go out there and grab this trophy?

DAVIS THOMPSON: Yeah, I feel like the chip shot on two, it was a really tough pitch, and to hit it up there to three feet when my expectations were inside ten feet would be a good shot. That kind of settled me in.

And then the pitch shot on 14 really kind of -- still try not to think about the golf tournament, but, yeah, the pitch shot on 14 really helped things.

Q. You said cruise. You talked yesterday about aggressive shots to conservative targets. Was there a moment in the process today where you were tested more than you thought and you had to answer that test knowing you had this thing in control?

DAVIS THOMPSON: Yeah, I struggled with my tee shot today. I had driven it great last week in the first three days, and for some reason just wasn't driving it great today.

Thankfully was able to make some birdies early from some weird positions. And, yeah, finally hit some good tee shots coming down the stretch.

Q. Were you aware of your position at various times? Looked like you and Joe were in a lot of different conversations out there. How close anybody was getting, or did you guys do a really good job just staying with that process?

DAVIS THOMPSON: Yeah, we did a good job. We were talking about things other than golf. I mean, I kind of had a feeling like after I turned a 6-under I felt like I had to be -- had to have some cushion.

But, yeah, I saw I got to three and was able to birdie 14 and get it back to 4 so that was huge.

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